otaku girls?

The Otaku Dude @jadenday
otaku girls?
The Otaku Dude @jadenday
do most otaku girls gets discouraged by whenever they meet a good looking otaku guy? like do they think theyre not good enough or something? i tired to go out with one before but they back off a lot. idk.

tornadomushroom @tornadomushroom
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otaku girls?
tornadomushroom @tornadomushroom
It's safe to say almost everyone is intimidated when they meet a good looking person in general.
For example, I don't think I'm that bad looking but if i see a really cute otaku, everything goes in the gutter because I immediately believe that her standards are too high and... it probably is! lol.
Good looking people know they're good looking, that is for sure. That's why people fish for compliments.

The Otaku Dude @jadenday
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otaku girls?
The Otaku Dude @jadenday
ahhhhhhh ok. .-.

Alexis Lynn @alexislynn
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otaku girls?
Alexis Lynn @alexislynn
Hmm... well, I don't know. I don't get discouraged. Other people seem to get discouraged around me, though :/ But now I have a boyfriend (who I met on here ;) ) So all's good :) He said he was nervous to talk to me as well, but that he was like, screw it! lol Turned out well ;)

The Otaku Dude @jadenday
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otaku girls?
The Otaku Dude @jadenday
How was it when you guys meet irl? Was it awkward? Lol

bookwatcher @bookwatcher
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otaku girls?
bookwatcher @bookwatcher
Oh wow. Both u guys are really cute. She should have worked her way past her insecurities and work for a relationship. No matter what the other looks like, its what's inside that makes a relationship truely work out long term.

Kitty Gourmet @kittygourmet
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otaku girls?
Kitty Gourmet @kittygourmet
I completely agree with tornadomushroom. I recently went to a con and met a very attractive otaku, who knew he was good looking and could get any girl he wanted. We met up a few times after the con, then I found out he had a girlfriend and he was trying to hide me in the gutter. :(
Its just natural I guess for otaku's, guys or gals, to be nervous and insecure when meeting someone attractive. Just be careful for those who wish to use you.

tornadomushroom @tornadomushroom
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otaku girls?
tornadomushroom @tornadomushroom
It's just who I am but all attractive girls... I am VERY skeptical of. If they're hiding anything or if they're just trying to play me. Etc.
I know a ton of very attractive Otaku chicks who have BFs and lie that they don't have one so that they get more attention because they know they're attractive. Same goes with Handsome Otakus.
None the less, for real relationships, it all varies from individual to individual but some require more "Time" and etc. Some don't really care and some must HAVE it.
Thus, the search!

leonix @leonix
commented on
otaku girls?
leonix @leonix
i have some of that probleme. Im not good in the looks departement but i do my best to meet some peaple just my shyness and scared of entering a conversation that scare the shit out of me so i end up being alone in con cuz i dont have friends that gos to conventions. They all sai they grown up. I love meeting otaku but not to many events near me.

The Otaku Dude @jadenday
commented on
otaku girls?
The Otaku Dude @jadenday
Yea I know how you feel its kinda difficult going to cons by yourself
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