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If you could go into any video game which would you choose?(only one)

Nice to see this thread was revived. I used to enjoy reading the posts. But I guess it's time I made my own finally. :3 (Before I forget again) I would choose Elder Scrolls. During the timeline of the 4th game, Oblivion, to be specific.
There really are too many games to pick from XD
Pokemon. Any region is acceptable but I would prefer Johto.
thanks shin yea ur sweet and thanks yall that post in it^^ but damn wasnt expecting to see pokemon i figure it die now.lol i guess not
Mass Effect for me personally. Imagine socializing with all those alien species x3 The universe and all the planets you could travel too as well would be awesome.
@xizanagi The ONLY reason I didn't choose Mass Effect. Is because getting immortality is so easy in Elder Scrolls. Lol. But the series is also top tier along with Mass Effect, in my opinion. You can't go wrong with either. <3
Hmmm maybe Kingdom Hearts... It is so hard to choose one xD
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