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Yuki Namari @vampirelover
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Yuki Namari @vampirelover
Hey. I'm new so treat me well. Nya!

✧Bella_Vanna✧ @junkosan209
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✧Bella_Vanna✧ @junkosan209
Hello ;-;

sailor12 @sailor12
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sailor12 @sailor12
Hi how are you ?
Can Anyone Explain -kun, -san, -sama, etc. To Me?

CrowClaw666 @crowclaw666
commented on
Can Anyone Explain -kun, -san, -sama, etc. To Me?
CrowClaw666 @crowclaw666
I would like to thank you for the detail. It really cleared up what they should be used for.
Can Anyone Explain -kun, -san, -sama, etc. To Me?

CrowClaw666 @crowclaw666
Can Anyone Explain -kun, -san, -sama, etc. To Me?
CrowClaw666 @crowclaw666
There is so many that I can't tell which is the right one.