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If you could go into any video game which would you choose?(only one)

I'd still go with the Touhou universe. I've been thinking of other places but that's where I'd be happy lol
^ The one where you don't look like you just got done playing with yourself and figured now's as good a time as any for a selfy.
If The World from .Hack existed I would go into there. Otherwise I would love to go into S.T.A.L.K.E.R a little doom and gloom but it has its charm.
I pick Guild Wars 2 for sure =3 As long as I can respawn like in the game, would be so fun killing the bosses for real
^ to the guy above me i would have picked guild war 2 as well but thieves are op :P that's why i quit that game finally 2 weeks ago ^_^ Eve online- although i no longer play it i think living in a big space empire would be cool
Yakuza series. i'd love to hang out with those awesome mofos.
Probably metal gear because i would love to hide in those boxes and be unnoticed.
QWOP... In all seriousness, I agree with the persona 4 group and will also toss in the world of pandora from borderlands... I just want to meet buttstalion.
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