Animekid @animekid
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Animekid @animekid
Lol i laughed and i enjoy naruto.
Veru @verucassault
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Veru @verucassault
It seems like it would eventually have a good storyline but animes directed towards young adults usually lack the sophistication and adult themes I need to keep me interested.
Animekid @animekid
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Animekid @animekid
Shippuden might be better for you then. Aside from the insane amount of filler episodes.
Lisanthur @sanfi
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Lisanthur @sanfi
@Veru I had it the other way around. I liked hanging out with the girls, but those never acted like you just described. Most boys were annoying only talking about cars and making stupid sexual jokes. When it's with a really good buddy it's funny, but with a large group it becomes awkward especially when they start making jokes about assualting girls. The hype of some sports have also always alluded me. The girls were always very tight and trusted each other. Plus it was funny to make sexually loaded comments with them around. A little joke flirting. That's just my point of few, though. Environment might be key here
Animekid @animekid
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Animekid @animekid
Sexually loaded jokes with female friends are always fun.
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
@mana ikr? girls who wear those are so kawaii <3
Veru @verucassault
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Veru @verucassault
Sanfi, the guys I hung out with in college were all nerds respectively. Either they were into Video Games, Art, Movies, and/or Music. We all had a blast together. Rarely did they talk sports or cars.
Lisanthur @sanfi
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Lisanthur @sanfi
@Veru The guys at my school didn't really play veideogames or watch anime. I often hung around with people one or two classes above me where the groups were less divided through sex, which made it so that people talked to each other because of their hobbies instead of their gender. When they had all left school, I ended up hanging out with lame imature people who I kind of liked, but not really
Yamato är inte mitt namn @magisternkun
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Yamato är inte mitt namn @magisternkun
i love anime... more than life .. but not more than japan <3
Lisanthur @sanfi
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Lisanthur @sanfi
@Magi Could you confess a little more, please. You're not seen often around these parts of MO
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