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VeZeal @axlex commented on Confessions
Jul 01, 16 at 11:17am
Actual confession from me this time: I confess that while yes I started working out for me and to lose some weight, part of my motivation came from someone here on MO who has left. I'm sure some of you can already tell who I mean but I won't share names. With their departure, part of me got a little down, but I still pushed through. Part of me wonders if opening my heart to that friend was even worth it since they don't seem interested in talking to me anymore. But such is life, and that's what I get for caring so much. I confess that I'm going to keep up my exercise for me, so I can at least be healthier and lose much of this weight. I want this for me, even if there are days that I don't want to exercise.
Jul 01, 16 at 11:21am
Really VeZeal? I'm so sorry to hear that :'(
@Mango See, I know exactly what you mean. Don't you think that if those rude people would have worked in your shoes, they would realize what they are doing? Some people have no idea how difficult that job can be. They treat customer service as though they are trash. A lot of people out there are nice and cooperative, but you also get to meet some of the skum of the earth. That's the only job that I had to quit for personal reasons. Verizon callcenter was a bad experience for me, but I got really good at talking people out of their problems and helping them. It wasn't all bad experiences. Some phonecalls ended up basically being psychiatric sessions where I would talk for an hour trying to help more than just their cell phone problems. I didn't care about the paycheck if I could help someone out in the end. (longer calls = less pay). There were several occasions where people tried to get to my manager to give me praises and find any way that they could guarantee that the next time they called in, they would get me. One guy even asked for my personal phone number and offered that whenever I am in Hawaii, he would give me a free massage and buy me lunch (as someone who would normally charge $120+/hour for a massage). I got to meet a lot of different kinds of people. :)
Jul 01, 16 at 11:57am
Phone calls are definitely not for me lmao but I sure as hell met many different people so I'm safe, hell yeah
Jul 01, 16 at 12:05pm
@Maria, there's a term for that. LOL meg·a·lo·ma·ni·a /ˌmeɡələˈmānēə/ noun noun: megalomania obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others. synonyms: delusions of grandeur, folie de grandeur, thirst/lust for power; More self-importance, egotism, conceit, conceitedness "he's blinded by his own megalomania and quest for historic recognition at any cost" •delusion about one's own power or importance (typically as a symptom of manic or paranoid disorder). ***it's actually kind of interesting. I'm not sure if I've ever known a female megalomaniac. Might be a first for me.
Jul 01, 16 at 1:30pm
@Mango Mochi I know how you feel, sometimes it makes me question were humanity is headed if some people can't even be nice to someone who is just trying to service them and make things a little better but sometimes people just decide they are not going to be happy no matter what and it has nothing to do with anyone but themselves, so I have to learn detach from it, to smile it away, and, wish them well, and decide that they are not going to affect the rest of my day, or even my life. @VeZeal I think I might know who you are talking about although I might be wrong, I am glad and inspired that you want to work hard for yourself. I hope you still push through to your goals, I am sure you will be pleased with what you can achieve and how much better you will feel once you have reached it. ^^
Jul 01, 16 at 2:08pm
not so serious confession, probably something a lot of people like, but I am quite into cantgilrs...but y'know who isn't these days
Jul 01, 16 at 2:09pm
Jul 01, 16 at 2:25pm
I prefer bunnies myself... http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/c5c143a77391cf325e6a4917b8e31eef/http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll42/Beijo7/Viera/Fran14.jpg
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