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May 30, 16 at 9:54am
Panda, It's not my business,but you've only kissed? Again, it's not that big of a deal. Sex I can see as much more meaningful. On that note, I wish I had waited for the woman that I'm with. I don't regret my choices, persay, but I know how much more meaningful it could've been. But, that doesn't take away what it means now. There's no shame in waiting for even something as simple as a kiss and if it holds that much meaning to you, more power to ya.
I feel a little less bad that I had my V-card intact until I was 23. It was one thing I was self conscious as fuck about until well I no longer had it. I could go on what that was like but I'll spare the details of a mission gone A Bolo. As far as trying to save it for "that special someone" while great and all can end up being overrated quite a bit. My personal opinion is that while it is worthwhile to wait for "that special someone" but I wouldn't go too far out of my way to do so (or advise others to do the same). Also I'll confess a big victory for LDR's that are becoming more the rage. I've had four major romances in my life of women that I've truly deeply loved. Three of them I didn't have the luxury of physical interaction but one I did. Truth be told I felt much more of a connection and bond with the three that I never even got to touch or see face to face than the one I did. Don't get me wrong I care (and still care) about the one I did get the luxury of physical interaction but I really never had the passion I had for the three others who had my heart. This is a bit of a PSA to those who for one reason or another are shy about LDR's because they feel for whatever reason the bond can't be the same and I'm here to say I disagree with that completely.
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May 30, 16 at 9:58am
Mango, Indeed. But, hush. The children need to think otherwise.XD Animekid, I was literally two months from obtaining my wizard powers...TWO MONTHS!
May 30, 16 at 10:03am
@yass yeah only kiss i havent had sex or anything like that @kid oh because i would have rather saved my first kiss for someone that meant alot to me. The person i kissed wasnt that person...besides they already had their first kiss XD and it was with another girl
May 30, 16 at 10:06am
@yaasshat Two months!?! You poor, poor man! That is tragic! @Panda O.o oh my
May 30, 16 at 10:11am
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/bf2nhEoZNm0/maxresdefault.jpg Everyone suddenly got serious with confessions. I like it.
May 30, 16 at 10:15am
Animekid, You still have your chance. What's four years? Just think of the abilities you could have. Don't let one witch betray your senses! Stay strong, and slay those dragons instead.XD
May 30, 16 at 10:20am
Don't slay me, pls
May 30, 16 at 10:21am
^ first to get slayed
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