Sonic the Hedgehog Fan Club

Sonicboom93 @sonicboom93
Sonic the Hedgehog Fan Club
Sonicboom93 @sonicboom93
Who is a fan of famous Blue Blur Speed Demon?! Well I am a huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog ever since he was on the Genesis! All fans are welcome!

blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
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Sonic the Hedgehog Fan Club
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
Aww but he been going down recently T_T

OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
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Sonic the Hedgehog Fan Club
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
SONIC BOOM SONCI BOOM SONIC BOOM!!"HE SO STRONG HE CAN FLY HE CAN REACH THE OTHER SIDE OF THE RAINBOW!!" LOL. yeah i know the sonic boom song came with the sonic collection gamme disc for the game cube ^-^ it even has some of the comics heh that sonic is a pimp with those girls after him :)

Sonicboom93 @sonicboom93
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Sonic the Hedgehog Fan Club
Sonicboom93 @sonicboom93
Hehe yeah he has a cool style. I'm still trying to make a perfect cosplay of him.

drmario @drmario
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Sonic the Hedgehog Fan Club
drmario @drmario
I am!!! If there was a Dr. Sonic that would be my profile pic. I usually choose Sonic related names for websites, but not this time. I've been a huge fan ever since I first played it so long ago...Very interested to see how Sonic Lost World turns out.

Terumi @terumi
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Sonic the Hedgehog Fan Club
Terumi @terumi
Nah not anymore after Sonic Adventure he went down the drain.

tentenlover7 @tentenlover7
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Sonic the Hedgehog Fan Club
tentenlover7 @tentenlover7
i'm a big sonic fan also even though i don't really like some of the newest sonic games

withered @withered
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Sonic the Hedgehog Fan Club
withered @withered
I love Sonic but most of the games recently suck, I think the last good Sonic game I played was Adventure Battle 2 on the GC. I gave up after Sonic Unleashed (can you blame me). But overall I love Sonic, I hope one day my faith in Sonic games will return but for now I’ll stick with the classics.

sugichan @sugichan
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Sonic the Hedgehog Fan Club
sugichan @sugichan
I am gonna throw in a kinda unpopular opinion and say for the most part I love his older games and his newer games, I haven't played the newest game, if it's even out but I've liked everything from the early games up to Sonic Colors, the small exception being the Sonic and the secret Rings and Sonic and the Black Knight games.

xxx @__removed_uguubox
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Sonic the Hedgehog Fan Club
xxx @__removed_uguubox
bringing the fan club back let's talk sonic hog
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