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Ah? I forgot I have three senpais in total XD. @audiosenpai I'm glad you are doing well. My day is starting great so far, I feel sleepy cause I hear rain. @arc Give him a nice scratch for me, I love cats! @verucassault Is Leo the picky eater or is that a different cat? And I'm sure your cat got you banned on purpose, he needs to keep things exciting for you XD
That's good to hear. Any plans for today?
Not really, just a chill day again. Not like I could go anywhere anyhow as I can't walk anywhere or drive XD, but I'm good with the rain, it's calming. What about you?
I need to help my dad set something up at the store then I have the rest of the day off.
Hope you have safe travels and a relaxing day ^^
UH- IM WINNING and thanks-
I wasn't saying that to you, but I hope you also have a good day ^^
Thanks, you too
Jan 09, 24 at 9:54am
@wei_ying Leo is just our big orange cat that's not a picky eater. Its our Siamese cat Wren that's the pickiest eater in the world.
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