Boys and Girls unite!
Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Boys and Girls unite!
Lamby @momoichi
haru-tan u live in Culpeper :O!?
and im not picky, iv only had two guys show real interest (three but he was just a troll in disguise =3=)
Rou @roukuro
commented on
Boys and Girls unite!
Rou @roukuro
Well, the site owner just made a thread in site suggestions called "what do you really want?" hes taking suggestions there.
This site would probably get more exposure and more people using it once suggestions get implemented. So the best we can do now is give him as much info as possible to facilitate that. So far all the ones i was going to post got said already tho.
ロイ @wallace614
commented on
Boys and Girls unite!
ロイ @wallace614
Was the third guy me .
Are you talking about how I showed you my feelings ......mmmmmmm I can't seem to get on it with sorry I have fail myself I should take a nap and see if I can commit to it later
But on the other hand so no bf just guys interested in you? I'm quite curious now
Also that threat it's pretty old but it got bump back to top but still let him hear your list full desires and he shall work upon them
Well that wasn't bad if I say so myself
Rou @roukuro
commented on
Boys and Girls unite!
Rou @roukuro
Also about not seeing couples all over the place, its more a general dating site phenomenon. Once you find that someone youd think you still want to be social with others (especially considering that this site isnt meant to be just a dating site), and you do actually want to. But you end up spending all your time with that special person instead.
ロイ @wallace614
commented on
Boys and Girls unite!
ロイ @wallace614
I see that happened and happening right now with some users I mean I'm good and happy for them but still is like the ending of angel beats when everybody leaves but him
Rou @roukuro
commented on
Boys and Girls unite!
Rou @roukuro
I know that feel bro. Thats why im still active here. You cant just abandon people after you get what you want.
stand_alone_complex @stand_alone_complex
commented on
Boys and Girls unite!
stand_alone_complex @stand_alone_complex
I'm here. Mostly out of boredom and I'm "on vacation" from work.
So I've been trying build Magic the Gathering decks, watching anime and playing the 3DS. How is everyone else coming along?
Haruu @haruu
commented on
Boys and Girls unite!
Haruu @haruu
@ Lambey: No, I live in Falls Church--it's on the very tip of VA and super close to D.C.
ロイ @wallace614
commented on
Boys and Girls unite!
ロイ @wallace614
Yes me too but then again this is my outlet for fun purposes only so I guess if I make or I guess I could say I already made some friends them I guess I won already and yes we should stick together like rice
That sounded better in my head
Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Boys and Girls unite!
Lamby @momoichi
I don't really knw what sephy cood do to make it more lovey dovey...maybe better chat formats like one on one (not using inbox cuz that's so formal >3<)
if that threads old he sood post new ones regularly D:
and im srry things went sour Wallace, but uv met danny-sempai and I have not....that is too much for me to handle right now!!!! now u go take that nap and dream of icecream puppys!
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