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My girlfriend recently broke up with me

Don't expect to feel better overnight, stuff like this happens. I guess the best advice I could give is to stay out of a committed relationship for a few months and don't dwell on the past. Have at least some amount of mystery involved too, I know I don't want to know everything all at once. Look for someone local as opposed to a long distance internet relationship, that would probably much easier anyway. Well, I guess that depends on your point of view. ^.^'
Someone local isn't really an option for me. I live in a county that's mostly populated by older people and trailer trash that have one kid after another.<p> Besides, there's doesn't seem to be any kind of anime community in my county. The closest relationship that I could hope to find is, well, somewhere in Florida. Even so, I don't want to limit myself geographically.
It's just a recommendation is all, but I definitely wouldn't dive into another relationship right away. Either way, good luck!
Thanks. I'm actually not diving in right away. The break-up occured in October. My ex-girlfriend has been talking with me (and been online in general) less and less since the break-up, especially since she recently moved down to Texas to live with her new girlfriend, so I've lost not only my girlfriend but my daily chat buddy as well.<p> That's part of what I'm looking for in a new girlfriend: someone that will be willing to make the time to talk with me online, which is especially important in a long-distance relationship.
Sorry to hear about that bro. Your first reason as to why the realtionship went sour is a real deal breaker in my book. I never had a long distance relationship personally but I've never heard any good things about them. This remind me of a question someone once asked a friend of mine about if she loved Jesus and she responded: “I love him, too. But a relationship requires more than just love, like . . . presence.” I feel that there are many other dynamics that deals with the success of a L.D.R. but I hope you can find out what's your next step to work this out if you can Tuxedo Mark.
Dec 17, 14 at 2:22am
That sucks. It wasn't wasted time. I'm sure you grew as a person and benefited from the relationship. Real talk: it all boils down to need #1. Everything else was secondary. Don't beat yourself up over the rest of the "reasons".
The first problem is long distance relationships never work. It's been proven. 2: the fact she insulted your mom when she never even met her means she has control issues. 3&4: the very fact she showed that much jealousy and insecurity over trivial things means she is probably the controlling/ stalkerish type. 5: thats actually a good thing. Let that other person deal with her insanity. It's a good thing this never worked out. Otherwise she'd be stalking you and probably would have done worse. You can do WAY better my friend! Just take what this chick did as red flags. Keep trying man, you'll find the one eventually.
No, the only problem is that this thread is 4 YEARS OLD... Fucking necro bumping fool.
That's really awful. I'm sorry to hear that. hopefully things work out for you with someone else.
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