Nerdalous @nerdalous
Nerdalous @nerdalous
I guess I have to be the one to make it. PS4 is looking like it will easily be the number one seller this year. Has the better Games,software, and features. I've paid of 249.90 of mine so far. Anyone else looking forward to it?

blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
commented on
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
I'm not onboard yet, The wii U is a sell for me tho, new super smash brother

Nerdalous @nerdalous
commented on
Nerdalous @nerdalous
@blazingbow1: While I have no beef with the Wii U, I don't fully understand the hype. It's not really a new system but just an accessory to the Wii.

Haruu @haruu
commented on
Haruu @haruu
My friend is getting the PS4 just so he can play Kingdom Hearts 3 on it.

blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
commented on
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
The only game to look foward ot PS4 is the ff15 and kh3

Nerdalous @nerdalous
commented on
Nerdalous @nerdalous
FFXV is what sold when I watched the press conference, I got so mad. I want one right now. I feel like I missing out hard core.

blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
commented on
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
its just one game. The Wii U is getting a good library of games

Blind_bandit @blind_bandit
commented on
Blind_bandit @blind_bandit
Don't take this in any offence or anything but the Wii U does not really compare much to the other 2 systems. You can't really say they're going to get a good library of games when it's pretty much the same games over and over. The only thing that has really interested me about the Wii U is Monster Hunter that's it, nothing has grabbed my attention and made me think, "Damn I want a Wii U". I'm not going to say it's not a good system because it is, but it's really leaning more towards family groups.
As for the PS4 I'm getting it because it's the far more superior console compared to Xbox 1. Most of what was showed in E3 by Microsoft we're multiplatform games(I'm adding PC here), so what's the point of getting a system that's less powerful and 100$ more. I mean even now Microsoft did a 180 and removed all that DRM crap but they just took a crap on the people that were excited for the new features. So they pretty much burned bridges by doing that, specially after they stated, "We can't just flip a switch on the DRM".

blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
commented on
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
Then isn't a simple a comparison? Like for instance, I don't like B so I get A doesnt make a valid choice. Because all your doing is saying how bad xbox is but there is no merits to the ps4 its too early to say.
a good library of games can includes sequals you know

Blind_bandit @blind_bandit
commented on
Blind_bandit @blind_bandit
Sorry, can you clarify that for me. "Then isn't a simple a comparison? Like for instance, I don't like B so I get A doesnt make a valid choice" Do you mean, "Then isn't it a simple comparison? Like for instance, I don't like B so I get A doesn't that make a valid choice" Sorry if correcting the sentence comes off as rude, I really am not trying to be. Just trying to see if that's what you meant.
If so than yes, it is a valid choice. Which is why I said, "I'm getting a PS4 because it's superior compared to the Xbox 1". There are a bunch of specs and side by side comparison between the two systems and all I'm saying is given a choice of a multi-platform game I would be inclined to purchase the game on a system that would make it look smoother.
A lot of games that I expected to be a Sony exclusive are now Multi-Platform like KH3 and FFXV which is disappointing but at least the people who purchase Xbox 1 can appreciate the games I'm playing.
There's a lot of things that Sony/PS4 should be given merit for, one of the big things is that their system is focusing on one group. The group that actually purchases these systems for 1 purpose, also the 100$ less is kinda a nifty thing specially in this economy.
The Wii U is a great party system, and by party I mean local party. This is what the Wii U has over the other systems, and I can tell you this much I'll be getting one for Super Smash Bros and Mario Kart just for that reason alone. You can't do that with the other systems, it's like the word, "local multiplayer" doesn't really exist for them.
I have a few friends who are Nintendo Fanboys/Fangirls and even they say that they're getting tired of the Super Mario World remakes. Specially the "New" Super Luigi U.
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