Japanese Language

glez27 @glez27
Japanese Language
glez27 @glez27
So who here is learning Japanese? aside from anime and manga xD What has helped you learn the language better, experience anything interesting :D

ケートー @kaze_o_hiita
commented on
Japanese Language
ケートー @kaze_o_hiita
"I've been studying for about three years now. It's hard at first, but it gets easier. You have to read it every day."

vanityxaffair @pandoraxx3hearts
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Japanese Language
vanityxaffair @pandoraxx3hearts
Bullshit. I have a hard time learning spanish and I could barely speak "proper" english. Not every otaku goes mooning over the japanese.

dothacknet @dothacknet
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Japanese Language
dothacknet @dothacknet
i'm trying to learn japanese and i'm using rosetta stone and that helps alot

Broken_Serenade @broken_serenade
commented on
Japanese Language
Broken_Serenade @broken_serenade
I Have Learned Through Video Games Subbed Anime My Old Middle School Teacher
And My Aunt Lauri Well Lauri-Sensei

kazumi011 @kazumi011
commented on
Japanese Language
kazumi011 @kazumi011
I know this sounds totally kiddish...but I bought a game for my DS that teaches you Japanese. You start with learning the basics like numbers 1-9 or the alphabet which is more of sounds than letters. And later it adds in Kanji. Eventually, you will be able to start using the phrases and sentences!

kurokame @kurokame
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Japanese Language
kurokame @kurokame
Yeah Im learning Japanese Ive taken two semesters of it at te college level, An Im now im studying for JLPT.

ikkoku @ikkoku
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Japanese Language
ikkoku @ikkoku

ulquiorra_schiffer @ulquiorra_schiffer
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Japanese Language
ulquiorra_schiffer @ulquiorra_schiffer
at my school they taught chinese and chinese is close to japanese and i have a Cd to learn japanese so ima try to learn young and progress as i get older so when i get older and get a good colledge degree i can do buissness in japan or stick to visiting japan :P.

ikkoku @ikkoku
commented on
Japanese Language
ikkoku @ikkoku
Nihao ma~!
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