ermmm, idk of any that are shit your pants scary since ima scurdy kat, XD but From the anime and manga I've watched I'd say it's not so much how scared they can make u, or how u can jump from fright...but more like haunting deep horror sort of such XD manga I'd seriously advise "I am A Hero" It's a bit slow to begin with but stick with it you suddenly live the manga and it's kinda intense x). another intense sorta scary-to-think-about one would be gantz....I reallly reaaaaalllly loved the manga for it :D. I've yet to watch the anime
Hahaha, I was at anime club at my college (I'm V.P. of it) when we watched it. We had about 2 dozen people attending and we were ALL freaked at that episode. Every single one of us.
holy crap jealous....wish i had a college anime club T_T that would be so coollllll....but we really only have the introverted nonsocial super super awkward otaku round here
Introverted Otakus I find are kinda like puppies that need to be trained :P The creepy awkwardness comes form inexperience with extroverted actions. As long as you don't harshly criticize them, but shape them into learning how to interact,they will turn out fine.
XD im not allowed to anymore apparently my personality is too big and overbearing T_T. but I'm allowed to be friends with them when they've converted XD
add me :D