Japanese snacks/junk foods

Locked. @masuji
Japanese snacks/junk foods
Locked. @masuji
Well i just picked up some mochi from my local Filipino market yesterday. I love the azuki bean paste ones, but they're all good. I also picked up two huge bags of lychee gummies and three types of ramen. So what are your favorite Japanese snacks/treats? I love it all and got everything I did for $20.

Emiko Sachiko Kai @kogimon
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Japanese snacks/junk foods
Emiko Sachiko Kai @kogimon
Well I'm half Japanese my father was full japanese. Some of my favorite dishes that I make at home are Portankatsu I'm not really sure how to spell it sorry. Also I love Chicken dumbori, Tempura, Vegetable sushi etc. Some of my favorite snack/Junk food's are Pocky, Japanese soda, Mochi ice cream, and lots and lots of candy xD.

Locked. @masuji
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Japanese snacks/junk foods
Locked. @masuji
Thats cool. I love all types of sushi including the raw tuna, octopus etc. Tonkatsu is good too (Japanese pork cutlet) but these arent so much snack or junk foods. Ramen isn't either but its kind of unhealthy in excess.

Emiko Sachiko Kai @kogimon
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Japanese snacks/junk foods
Emiko Sachiko Kai @kogimon
Oh sorry I kinda got of topic xD sorry I love ramen <3 2

ZeldaChan @monjachan
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Japanese snacks/junk foods
ZeldaChan @monjachan
Haha, Wasabi nuts ^^
And ofcourse.. The standard japanese styled shaved ice.. ^^

floatsinwater @floatsinwater
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Japanese snacks/junk foods
floatsinwater @floatsinwater
takoyaki and kaki no tane

Locked. @masuji
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Japanese snacks/junk foods
Locked. @masuji
Mmm takoyaki, I want to try it so badly.

FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
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Japanese snacks/junk foods
FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
i like Konpeitou, melon-pan and Choco cornets
(cream buns are delicious too, but i only make those for special days when i eat breakfast ) also i tend to eat pomegranate dango now and then
But choco-cornets are EASY to make and delicious.
same with kinako. -w- i freaking love kinako.
but i haven't had kinako since my dad' been sick

nanashi @uchuumi
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Japanese snacks/junk foods
nanashi @uchuumi

talamar @talamar
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Japanese snacks/junk foods
talamar @talamar
Oh tough call there is always Standar Pocky but I can't have much in way of sugar cause I am diabetic so some of My Personal favs are
Dried Yakisoba (So Tasty)
Kinako Sticks (bit salty but Yummy)
Pretch (Salty Veggie Version of Pocky)
Shrimp Chips also tasty
Wash all down with Picari Sweat Ion Water (sounds nasty but is kinda sweet tasting water.)
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