Ok this is important

Yu @metaljester
Ok this is important
Yu @metaljester
Im here concerning the well being of the site and trying to help it along anybody who has ideas pleas offer them up here

OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
commented on
Ok this is important
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
ok....yay a suggestion box person xD ok i want a thingie on here who lets everyone know whose online without going to their page to check sorta like a box thats say whose online now would be good ^-^

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Ok this is important
Yu @metaljester
I get you like on facebook it has that thanks for the idea it would be good and a nice shortcut for maiotaku

Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
commented on
Ok this is important
Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
I wanna flying rainbow pop tart cat on my right corner 8D jks in all honesty what nightmare sweets said

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Ok this is important
Yu @metaljester
I will arange the flying rainbow pop tart cat do not worry ^^

Megumi Kai @dreamerwingz11
commented on
Ok this is important
Megumi Kai @dreamerwingz11
sweet, how about facial expression buttons, to add a "like" to comments and stuff. kinda like facebook but otakufied!
auto refresh? a way to turn off uneeded e-mail notifications?
a place to post other user names for places like skype and stuff (like our e-mails and how they show up)
a search box to find relevant things on the cite or people.....
I don't know what else. i'll try to think of stuff ^.^

Megumi Kai @dreamerwingz11
commented on
Ok this is important
Megumi Kai @dreamerwingz11
And an autonotifications for inbox mayhaps?

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Ok this is important
Yu @metaljester
Yep I thought of those all very good ideas one in particular i want is maiotaku games and ability to chat on skype with vid or mic just by linking your maiotaku account with skype and the simple click of a button you can vid chat with your vid chat service not just skype instead of having to go through the entire process of going on the vid chat service

Megumi Kai @dreamerwingz11
commented on
Ok this is important
Megumi Kai @dreamerwingz11
gotcha, I think maiotaku games would be super cute, but no invites...ugh those are annoying on facebook. Maybe comments that link together more uniformly??? kinda like facebook but different. idk... I wouldn't kow how to do that. or even think it up but, I'm sure you get what I'm talking

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Ok this is important
Yu @metaljester
Yep it would be hard but it could be done however the main creator isnt to fond of that but i cant blame him though he has his own life and the admins here have theirs i just think if i was one or was able to change it i could more easie since i work online
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