Favorite Video game character.

surferbrg @surferbrg
Favorite Video game character.
surferbrg @surferbrg
So I've decided to give this forum a try so wondering whats your guys favorite video game charcter?
Mine is Sonic the Hedgehog

Locked. @masuji
commented on
Favorite Video game character.
Locked. @masuji
I have a few:
Adventure: Link (of course)
Platformer: No preference, Mario and Sonic etc are all very good.
RPG: Chaz Ashley of Phantasy Star IV. Probably a bit cookie cutter but he's dedicated for sure.
FPS: Chell
the list goes on I guess. can't really think of others right now.

Lunion-San @lunion
commented on
Favorite Video game character.
Lunion-San @lunion
Ike from Fire emblem :)

Locked. @masuji
commented on
Favorite Video game character.
Locked. @masuji
I'm cosplaying as Ike, or I plan to, for Megacon

Rezikai @rezikai
commented on
Favorite Video game character.
Rezikai @rezikai
Game Characters...
hmm depending on genres...
Well at one time a platformer Lara Croft back in the original TR.
RPG characters...
Seifer Almasy and Quistis FFVIII
Mcdohl, Flik, Victor from Suikoden the original trio that started the storied franchise.
(MMORPG) Mayong Mistmoore, Fironia Vie.
FPS character...
Master Chief 117.
Horror Game...
Jill Valentine
Japanese Galge Protagontist...
Kodaka (barely edges out Kyouske)
and Fave of all time
David Hayter,... CIA operative.
genetic copy of a certain CIA operative from the 1960-70's era.
founding member of the recent organization Philanthropy.
He never did get with a single girl to settle down, but he was never able to find the time to.

drmario @drmario
commented on
Favorite Video game character.
drmario @drmario
Sonic, Mario, Ryu (SF), Ryu Hayabusa (only NES), Mega Man (Original), Adol (Ys) and more. I have too many favorites.

mrmanguy15 @mrmanguy15
commented on
Favorite Video game character.
mrmanguy15 @mrmanguy15
Samus Aran (not other M samus btw...)
Mega Man X ( or it's just X, i don't really know)
Guile (street fighter)
Grey Fox (Metal Gear Solid), Big Boss/ Snake (Metal Gear Solid 3)
Sanger Zonvolt, Elzam Von Bransteinmore, Baran Doban(Super Robot Taisen/Wars Series)

Rezikai @rezikai
commented on
Favorite Video game character.
Rezikai @rezikai
Grey Fox.. Frank Jaeger... "hit me mooore.. snake"... fucking dopeness.

mrmanguy15 @mrmanguy15
commented on
Favorite Video game character.
mrmanguy15 @mrmanguy15
^ The homoerotic-ness of that scene was glorious!
( but no seriously, he was a complete badA$$)

ItsTooLateToApologize @brokenheartache
commented on
Favorite Video game character.
ItsTooLateToApologize @brokenheartache
Mines is Kirby & Link.
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