So...Anime MMOs??
Lunion-San @lunion
So...Anime MMOs??
Lunion-San @lunion
I play Lucent heart, Luna ,Asda 2 and Raiderz
Anyone else play them, or have any other Anime MMOS to recommend?
KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
commented on
So...Anime MMOs??
KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
I haven't heard of any you listed. I've been playing Lineage II, Ragnarok Online 2, and going to be joining a private server so I can play Prius:Anima Redux again (unless it's some newer ver., but still will play).
tobitairu @tobitairu
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So...Anime MMOs??
tobitairu @tobitairu
.... *flails* I haven't played any! lol. Okay I played on a private Ragnarok server when I was younger, but that was a horrible experience for many reasons. Right now my machine can't handle any games, but even if it could, I wouldn't know where to find them.
Rezikai @rezikai
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So...Anime MMOs??
Rezikai @rezikai
Seems a Chinese company acquired the Naruto MMO rights and have started pre-beta production... for the time being a Chinese only version but i presume it'll be opened up to all.
Which village will we be able to choose.
Lunion-San @lunion
commented on
So...Anime MMOs??
Lunion-San @lunion
That sounds awesome! :D I can`t wait for that one to come out >.< so many korean and chinese only MMOS!!!
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