poor girls or rich girls would it MATTER??

xueli @xueli
commented on
poor girls or rich girls would it MATTER??
xueli @xueli
Not that I'm a guy but if I was I think I'd think this too but I think it doesn't matter so much when you're younger and not serious. But when you get older and are seriously thinking of settling down and having a family, it's a consideration. Not to say you have to make 6 figures, but you have to be doing something and going somewhere ya know? I think you have to be at least financially independent, otherwise how will your significant other be able to depend on you in rough times. Like if one of you guys get a medical problem or kids. That stuff ain't cheap!

Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
commented on
poor girls or rich girls would it MATTER??
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
It depends on where you live, in denmark all hospital visits are free, and you get a check from the government that increases with every kid, its actually a pretty common thing for females here to have multiple kids with random men (yeah, yeah, im judging, wutever...) and live off of the money that they get as a result, this is in addition to the alamony they will already be getting from these suckers that fell in the "honey pot".
One cannot ignore cultural and geographical background in this topic I think.
Then again im just eurotrash so what am I even on here for? xP

zexion66 @zexion66
commented on
poor girls or rich girls would it MATTER??
zexion66 @zexion66
a girl with a job i might feel intimidated the same if she has a car, i prefer if she didn't have either one, well maybe if she Volunteers at a work place, i don't care if she's in an apartment or two story middle class house

blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
commented on
poor girls or rich girls would it MATTER??
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
I want to marry into the rich

itheraider @itheraider
commented on
poor girls or rich girls would it MATTER??
itheraider @itheraider
Not really, I mean it would help to do some adventurous things.

The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
commented on
poor girls or rich girls would it MATTER??
The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
Personally as long as they are not lazy and responsible for themselves I am fine.

OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
commented on
poor girls or rich girls would it MATTER??
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
thanks for the replies :) now i know which guy to go for lol xD *take notes*

nigelcress @nigelcress
commented on
poor girls or rich girls would it MATTER??
nigelcress @nigelcress
Does'nt even matter. substance matters .

Jacob~AnimeLover~Long @lagannfan
commented on
poor girls or rich girls would it MATTER??
Jacob~AnimeLover~Long @lagannfan
Poor and rich matter not to me. What is the point in having all the riches of the world if you are poor in spirit?
I want a spirited person who has as.much richness in thier spirit as I do.

Rou @roukuro
commented on
poor girls or rich girls would it MATTER??
Rou @roukuro
Rich or poor shouldn't matter but if you want to consider absolutely everything. There's a strong negative correlation between money and morals.
Generally a person who has more money ends up being less moral, less kind that sort of thing (unless they were specifically trained not to be immoral according to the standards of some belief system). Of course this isn't true for everyone nor is it a very strong predictor of behavior but its an explanation if the that behavior is encountered.
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