who wants to be a father

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
who wants to be a father
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Yu @metaljester
commented on
who wants to be a father
Yu @metaljester
Hmm i never had a father myself really but i understand your want though takes alot of things to be a good one though i myself am really neutral on the matter of becoming a father for now

canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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who wants to be a father
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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Yu @metaljester
commented on
who wants to be a father
Yu @metaljester
Then i wish you luck then in doing that

tobitairu @tobitairu
commented on
who wants to be a father
tobitairu @tobitairu
I wouldn't mind being a father. I can't really say it's a goal, because I'm fairly realistic about my future, and I have yet to find a woman silly enough to even consider that future with me lol. My dad is a good dad, despite our problems. I like to think that I can be a good dad too.

Yu @metaljester
commented on
who wants to be a father
Yu @metaljester
Hmm i wish i had a good dad but i didnt really thats a long story though but in some ways it built me up made me rely on myself and better myself much faster then most still being a father im fine with just not exactly my goal

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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who wants to be a father
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
This account has been suspended.

Yu @metaljester
commented on
who wants to be a father
Yu @metaljester
oh well financial stability along with selflessness are good aspects also always have your plans put together as well

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
commented on
who wants to be a father
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
DNA results are in! When it comes to one year old Lashannaquinna-janshanaiquien. Sandman, you ARE the FATHER!
<img src= "http://media1.break.com/dnet/media/2012/6/26/9b3a3148-0222-4a33-9988-a543dc02cdb5.jpg"</img src>

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
commented on
who wants to be a father
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
Just kidding.
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