Cosplay with pink wig?

PansexualFangirl @pansexualotaku
Cosplay with pink wig?
PansexualFangirl @pansexualotaku
Okay, do you see that wig in my profile pic? Well, it's long, pink, and curly. Any ideas who I could cosplay as with this? Name and Anime/Manga/Game, please.

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
commented on
Cosplay with pink wig?
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Sheryl Nome / Macross Frontier
Utena /Revolutionary girl
If you cut it virgo / Fairy Tail
just a few for now but so many

PansexualFangirl @pansexualotaku
commented on
Cosplay with pink wig?
PansexualFangirl @pansexualotaku
@EndlessKnight - Ah, thank you for the suggestions! I'll check those out now! ^-^

SimonSan @simonsanbr
commented on
Cosplay with pink wig?
SimonSan @simonsanbr
Nodoka from Saki!
Yachiru from Bleach

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
commented on
Cosplay with pink wig?
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Is okay glad to help. You know lots of Ohio otaku here you guys should make a club.

PansexualFangirl @pansexualotaku
commented on
Cosplay with pink wig?
PansexualFangirl @pansexualotaku
@EndlessKnight That sounds cool! I'll make a topic about it now, thanks for the idea!

princesspoopsy @princesspoopsy
commented on
Cosplay with pink wig?
princesspoopsy @princesspoopsy
fluttershy and that girl from rosario vampire???????

talamar @talamar
commented on
Cosplay with pink wig?
talamar @talamar
Miyuki frome lucky stare
Anomone frome Eureka 7
Ayano frone Kaze no Stigma
Louise frome Zero no Tsukima
Yui from Angel Beats
Mikuru from Haruhi Suzumiya

ronined @ronined
commented on
Cosplay with pink wig?
ronined @ronined
Dont know if I should recommend this but Yuno from Mirai Nikki.

PansexualFangirl @pansexualotaku
commented on
Cosplay with pink wig?
PansexualFangirl @pansexualotaku
So many choices, yippee! Now, I have to choose. owo
Ah, screw choosing, I'll just see what interests me most! :D
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