Open mic
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
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Open mic
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Wow yeah the thread is working out well. I been grabbed and run before in high school. I never did catch the girl. I was always completely thrown off my game by it.
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
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Open mic
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
You know my mom had a party once and this gay guy lead her brother in law who was drunk into a bath room. Needless to say there was a big fight and all. Lol drunk people honestly.
xueli @xueli
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xueli @xueli
I'm kinda that girl where I'm socially programmed to try to not cause trouble so it's a little hard for me to even formulate a response to something like that. Actually, I think I didn't, I think I just ignored that comment even when he brought it up again after a bit. It's actually why I hate having to turn guys down, even when they're being insanely aggressive/not taking a hint about asking me out. Don't know how to straight out turn them down without hurting their feelings. >< It's a problem I need to work on :(
But yeah, she cracked hella racist jokes all the time, stuff like pulling up next to a hispanic friend in her car and jokingly ask how much an hour, telling our african american classmate a joke with the punchline being an african american angel doesn't exists because they're bats, giving me nudges and various jokes about China Shipping whenever a train passes by, and so forth. After meeting a portion of her immediate family, I can safely assume it was passed down
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
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Open mic
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Well isn't that nice. I bet she be a pain in the ass to me. No offense but your friend sounds like a b. Is strange how some people can accept some cultures but not others. Selective racism
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
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Open mic
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Sorry sometimes when on my phone it double post.
SimonSan @simonsanbr
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Open mic
SimonSan @simonsanbr
I hate confrontation and trouble and stay away from it the best I can. But sometimes I cant help myself. Like if its for a friend (I consider pretty much everyone on here my friend) I dont mind going out of my way!
I dont think you can turn someone down without hurting their feelings.... If they like you its bound to hurt regardless of what you say!
When it comes to racism, for me it depends on the context of the joke. Now I might be vilified for this (being white, male and straight) but if a joke is aimed at someone (regardless of race/gender/sexuality etc, people are people ya know...), as long as its meant in a light hearted way, Im all for it. I can laugh at who I am and at other people. I think stereotypes are fun when not used maliciously... However, Im guessing that wasnt your case, in which Im sorry and I wish people like that didnt exist!
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
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Open mic
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Mayor can we turn this into an interview about your character?
Although I do realize that it is getting late and he might be gone.
Any of you been to anime court? Or anime blind/ dating game?
Phoenix @animecountryboy
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Open mic
Phoenix @animecountryboy
well jack asses at my school did this "scoop" thing to guys who at "man boobs"... uuuhhhg it pissed me off so much. i remember i said something to one guy who did it so me once, "sad how you are such a perv that you go after anything" everyone laughed at him, he did not do it after that haha
tobitairu @tobitairu
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Open mic
tobitairu @tobitairu
I can't rightly think of anything that would qualify, but something really weird did happen a few months ago. My friend (see pic) and I were heading into the international district in Seattle. We always take the bus in, because she gets free rides. We were waiting to board the bus, everyone was crowding, and I feel nails scratch down my back, followed by a girl going "mrrrooow".
I looked around, and no one took the credit. Nobody would even point out who it was.
I was neko-raped O.o
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
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Open mic
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Lol I can definitely relate. Lol well could have been worse.
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