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What's the reason you're single?

I'm really shy :(
I don't think you are shy, You posted here ;) Anyway, I'm still single because I am. :(
Being shy is why a lot of people are single. It's really hard to muster up the strength to talk to someone whom you think is "kawaii". The fear of rejection is also what holds most people back.
For me, I don't get out much. Even if I do, I am the shy talking person. I will have a nice conversation, yet will go no where.
I know I also fear rejection from those I really like
Because I'm so black
I think a lot of people are shy and that stops them from talking to people who are actually open to talking to them. A person could be interested in you and you don't even know it. I think I thought of a new thread that should be started.
I'm not shy but I am fearful of rejection, Rejection I think is a big fear factor for many of otakus.. Because alot of us aren't very confident in our selfs hence probably why we are shy.. When I like someone the main reason why I don't go up to them and tell them I like them isn't cause I'm shy but it's because of this big possibility that they will reject me. ( Usually because I'm fat :I ) And I respect peoples feeling but it isn't easy to just brush that off and be like ' Onto the next victim!! ' LOL Alot of the time it just kind of makes you feel bad for yourself, dislike yourself or just flat out feel depressed. Especially if you got rejected for something you just can't really help about yourself " Your skin color, Your weight, The way your face is, If your short, Blahblahblah.' :c So it just kind of hurts a little and maybe some people think its there shyness but maybe it is just there fear of rejection too. Especially if its someone you reeeally like. :'c And the fact they didn't even give you a chance despite the way you are also kind of sucks, But it all just depends on the person I guess.
I'd come to a conclusion that I don't live for approval of everybody or to live up to the standards that everybody lives by
For starers the reason Im single right now is because Im socially dumb. I tend to be a loner so when I do met a gal I can be overbearing to a fault.
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