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What's the reason you're single?

People who cheat & lie aren't good people. I can't stand liars! It doesn't matter if you do so much for a person, he or she would still betray you. You have to protect the heart.
I feel that I am single because I am a larger girl. I know that most guys want a smaller girl so it depresses me at times because some of the smaller girls can be mean to them and they still go after them lol. I feel I have a lot to offer but often I get from guys that I am too smart or too nice..
Saying most guys only go for smaller girls is just a statement that will get you down. While yes, some guys are shallow and go based on looks, the real men look beyond that and see the person for who they are, bigger or smaller. Just because they have been assholes doesn't mean all of us men are like that. you will find somebody, so cheer up. :)
The hobbies and interests of the girls from where I live are rather....bad, and by that I mean they are crazy (the bad kind), drugged out, skanky, etc etc. I would spark up a conversation with a girl and it would be going ok, either until I find out more about them and I evacuate asap or I mention my interests and that turns them off. Just to be clear, I tell them I am an open-minded individual who gives everything a shot before judging. That's how I developed a liking to the whole anime culture. Yet it appears to even attempt to get in a relationship with someone, the 'social norm' is to only listen to club music and just watch stuff on basic cable and MTV.......narrow mindedness is such a big turn off for me
I think you sound like a great girl
Well I was in a relationship for 5 years and at year 4 the feelings weren't there anymore and she became a different person, or finally revealed who she really was. Social anxiety would have to be my biggest step backwards when finding a new girl. Over think things and scare myself out of a possible chance.
My reason for being single? I'm clueless when it comes to guys actually liking me, and most of the time the guys who come onto me are those douche-bag types who think they can treat girls with 0% of respect and are just the stereotypical douche-bag. And honestly, I feel like my expectations for men are too high sometimes, especially for the area I live in; the guys are either potheads or into other drugs, or the complete douche-bags previously mentioned. My friends and I have this joke that all the good men are either gay or taken or both! I've been in quite a few relationships, and they all started out as friends. The serious, serious relationship I had been in was ruined because of some personal issues I had been going through for years, and it got to be too much for him. So, for me it's a number of things, mainly on my part.
To be honest its because being otaku lots see me as weird...And biggest reason is well I give off a vibe that isn't asshole type that a lot of girls seem to be attracted to. Personal reason being from past experiences not saying why but I can not get close to anyone...if someone gets too close I back away if not potential wifie material. Basically being a hit or miss when it comes to women. I am not one to drop someone...A soft let down is what I go for...for consideration because I have been in there shoes...Always being nice and respectful. I am automatically viewed as a wimp mistaking my kindness for weakness. My best virtue is if I keep my mouth shut...Just standing I seem like good potential, as soon as I talk they automatically think I'm innocent and don't want to corrupt me. Ruining my chances for one night stands. Lol Or that I'm too immature for life decisions. I seem to be to dull cause I have no problem talking but when it comes to flirting. I sometimes lag at those right moments.( working on that ^+^) In turn I do not take charge when a women is too strong/dominant when she actually wants a guy to be more dominant than her in her strong personality. Its too tiring...Im dominant on my own terms if pushed I leave. But a fair dominant in which we both gain from...women do not see that...all they see is someone easily pushed around which doesn't work on me or weak in other words uninteresting.
Because I'm true to myself Jokes aside, I think that I'm actually really bad at this flirting stuff, I'm usually too blunt about things and I'm really bad at starting or even keeping up conversations, doesn't help that most girls dislike replying my messages lel. Also, I believe that I'm incompatible with the XXIst century courting rituals, this "men are active and women only wait for the right one" system is really hard for me...
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