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What's the reason you're single?

...my reason is i'm anti-social untill you get to know me..
I don't have any pompous delusions of myself. I'm not attractive, educated or rich. I'm quite selfish and single minded. I haven't the mental stability, focus or patience to deal with someone on a romantic level although I enjoy interacting with people. I have what some would consider a negative outlook on the way women act toward men who attempt to court them. When I do find someone who fits into my selfish criteria they tend look at me with contempt (not that I could blame them) most people put on a fancy show when they start dating someone and once the initial infatuation wears off they're left with a partner who is not the person they were originally attracted to and who probably feels the exact same way about them. In the time I've been single I've found that I can get a lot done when I don't have to sacrifice my time or resources to my spouse. We die alone and being in a relationship is completely inconsequential at that point anyway.
I can just feel the pessimism dripping 0.0
OMG Perona-chan what did you do!!!!
@Alexis Lynn: Haha yeah that's true.
JEEZZ this is the most negative thread i've ever seen! Cmon guys, we're all here to make new friends who will accept us for who we are and potentially find people who are unlike those who've hurt us in the past. So, good luck to everyone on this site, and I'm really happy to be here ^-^ tl;dr: CHEER UP EVERYONE! CHEERS TO THE BRIGHTER FUTURE ^(^_^)> Kirby sayz hi <:
I'm single because I haven't met someone who I like lel
@xIliritoIx I'll try my best. I definitely want to meet new people here because I enjoy relationships. I'm just not wired for the romantic kind and I'm perfectly happy not being in one. I want to apologize if I've made anyone uncomfortable. I didn't mean for my post to sound negative.
@lkiritolx ;w; AHH IT'S HARD TO CHEER UP But I am trying to keep positive anyways.
Nov 21, 13 at 6:15am
Oh you guys! You all just need to worry less about the negative aspects and how you look and focus more on the interaction with people, especially online when you can't see each other.(for the most part) The rest comes naturally! IT REALLY REALLY DOES, IM NOT JUST SAYING THAT!
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