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Poems you wrote your self Am I Dead By: Nerdalous Dark Dry Can not move, can not see. There is no light, there is no air. My skin is dry. Sound of silence surrounds me. Hear nothing here nor there. My arms are crossed. My legs are stiff. I wonder Am I Dead? Is there a Heaven, Is there a Hell? That’s what I was told. I wonder if I sit here long enough, will something ever happen? What ever the case I wish it would happen quick, I can’t stand the waiting. But then a thought crosses my made. What if nothing were to happen. What If there is no haven nor hell. All of forever I sit. In the dirt rotting away. I wonder how long it will take. Until I fully have rotten away. Until I can no longer think. Or will this go on forever. I honestly wish not. The loneliness starts to set in. Forever by myself, truly I am scared. I didn’t realize it till now, without heaven or hell in mind. This is as good as it gets.
Dec 12, 12 at 9:18pm
There is no sacred ground at night Unless protected by a light. ^Came up with that one today on the way home.
Dec 12, 12 at 10:34pm
@Kyetge!: I like it Untitled It was my mistake Now my heart aches It’s about to brake I’m not going to lie Why even try I’m starting to cry I let you go Yet you said no I don’t think you know How bad I feel I’m not the Man of steel I don’t think this will heal What have I done
Dec 13, 12 at 2:15pm
I hear a loud echoing boom Then the burning in my chest I look to see if it could possibly be Yup I'm bleeding with a piece of lead in my chest The red doesn't flow out as quickly as you'd think MY berthing slows, I look at the Gunman then I'm ready to ponce Beat him to death with the last of energy letting him knowing a bullet can't kill me Then...I fall over and die.
Dec 14, 12 at 9:03am
I posted this a on a thread before, but I don't think anyone looked at it... Can I count on you to be there for me? Can I count on you to be on my side When I encounter evil randomly? If I faint, Will you be there to heal me? I know it’s hard, but I want to beat the game with a two-player party. Maybe that’s insane, but if you’re up to it, we can try. Go ahead and take my hand, it’ll be alright. I feel like all the Tetris blocks are falling into place Causing a cascade that’ll bring us closer together But I just can’t give a piece of my heart away Without a save state to come back to if things don’t work out. So I understand if you’re a little hesitant Because we’ll only have one shot at this One life to live, one chance I promise, I’ll give it everything I have. Everything I can. It’s just that I’m afraid to become heartless, With nothing left to hold onto. There’s no way to cheat this, That’s just the way it is. And maybe, it is worth the risk To show you how much you mean. I want you to be my princess. If I have to be a prince or pauper, I’ll do that. If I have to be a doctor or plumber, You are still worth every piece of my heart.
Dec 14, 12 at 9:06am
Wrote this one the same day I wrote the previous one. I wish for friends I’ve never had a chance to have I wish for a crew of RPG characters To follow me around everywhere I go I wish to walk across The ends of the Earth I know it’s all a fantasy But couldn’t you let me dream? Really, I’m just asking For the opportunity to be myself I imagine my life different than it is. The key to unlock the door to another world, Doesn’t it exist? Or am I at my wake, A fool, looking for an illusion Because I could almost swear That once, I did leave To go on an adventure. So how did I end up here, Lying down in my bed at home, Wishing I was somewhere else?
Dec 14, 12 at 2:34pm
@drmario: I like them I wrote this one back in middle school in the perspective of an emo Pain in my Brain I have a pain It’s in my brain Growing each and every day When will it all go away This pain makes noise A noise I really don’t enjoy A pain that really annoys This pain in my brain This pain leaves scars You can see them on my arms They are quite a charm These scars on my arms This pain makes me dream This pain makes me scream This pain is driving me insane My heart is being torn apart This is it I’m not going to throw a fit I’m ready to call it quits I just need a little bit more to slit these wrist No more freewill Don’t have the will Can’t just chill
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