why won't women make the first move?

Amrod @amrodcalanor
commented on
why won't women make the first move?
Amrod @amrodcalanor
^ Yeah thats annoying lol

Animekid @animekid
commented on
why won't women make the first move?
Animekid @animekid

sinnamon @sinnamon
commented on
why won't women make the first move?
sinnamon @sinnamon
I initiated a chat with someone from a different site a few months ago... I hesitated for about a week until I just gave in and private messaged him. We will be meeting up next year and see how things will go from there x'p
I think what it was for me not messaging him at first was anxiety... X'D afraid of getting shut down and not being able to keep up with our conversations but things are going very well! I'm super happy I initiated the chat :D

Amrod @amrodcalanor
commented on
why won't women make the first move?
Amrod @amrodcalanor
^ Congrats xD
Now If we could do away with that anxiety I think everyone on this site would talk more regularly

sinnamon @sinnamon
commented on
why won't women make the first move?
sinnamon @sinnamon
Thanks! <3

A Name @amdarely
commented on
why won't women make the first move?
A Name @amdarely
I may not look it, but I'm incredibly shy. It takes me a while of staring, leaving the page, and going back, until I finally work up the courage to say something, and even then the entire time I'm thinking "what if he's not interested." or "what if I say something stupid." Essentially, my anxiety skyrockets through the roof and past the moon onto pluto. But, sometimes, I can get the courage to talk to people I think I could be friends with... Although, warning here, I think it's more attractive when a guy takes an initiative. So even if I do take the initiative to talk to you? I still won't ask them out because being asked on a date by a guy is confirmation to me that they are actually interested in me and it's not just my imagination because I, like many others, am irrationally terrified of being rejected.

Amrod @amrodcalanor
commented on
why won't women make the first move?
Amrod @amrodcalanor
^ Hell yeah
But hey, in the end you dont lose anything, So why not just take that leap. If you like someone out there you should just go for it. Lifes too short to be worrying about every little thing, Besides if you fail with the first guy/girl.
Theres literally billions of others.

Pawlitics @pawlitics
commented on
why won't women make the first move?
Pawlitics @pawlitics
From what I've observed in my area, girls I know who tried to make the first move were labelled as sluts or 'too easy' and no one would take them seriously enough to date. So most girls would just wait for guys to make a move since it's more socially acceptable. But like AMDarely, I'm personally too shy to even say "hi" to anyone.

A Name @amdarely
commented on
why won't women make the first move?
A Name @amdarely
Pawlitics brings up a very good point. Girls get called "sluts" for just about anything these days, and most of us haven't even had sex! It's really kind of depressing how far people take it too...

Animekid @animekid
commented on
why won't women make the first move?
Animekid @animekid
Well if nothing else if she's not interested in talking I think I would prefer that she just SAY SO instead of leaving the question out there about if that's the case or maybe they haven't logged on, is too shy or whatever.
I think there's way too much sexualization of just about everything nowadays to the point that it warps peoples idea's of most things such as "girls who make the first move have to be slutty".
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