Too Old for Anime?

Moonphase Secret @vampireninjabunny
Too Old for Anime?
Moonphase Secret @vampireninjabunny
As I turned twenty-three, I've felt I am too old for anime, it's a passion to let go, even though deep in my heart it's a feat impossible to accomplish. I feel I am the only person at my age who feels this fear, anime is for the younger generation? What do you think?

Henagata @henagata
commented on
Too Old for Anime?
Henagata @henagata
ya i feel the same way. it does not help that most anime focus around middle/highschool kids. but i have allways been a bit inmature for my age.
i have a really good time tricking myself lately into thinking they are older. it really breaks the illusion for me when im told the girl with the big breasts is only 15 years old. =/

Moonphase Secret @vampireninjabunny
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Too Old for Anime?
Moonphase Secret @vampireninjabunny
It's sad to begin believing a person is too old for anime. A few of my friends still love it, but their passion for the genre decreased. It makes a person who still holds strong passion for anime feel a little lonely. :/

animelover1984 @animelover1984
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Too Old for Anime?
animelover1984 @animelover1984
I will never be too old for anime. I've been a fan for 11 years now and I'm more excited than ever to continue watching anime and being involved in the otaku world!

Henagata @henagata
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Too Old for Anime?
Henagata @henagata
actually its the oposite for me i got my friend into anime last year and it still getting stronger. we have been watching alot lately like 2-5 episodes a weekend then go to watch 2 more on toonami with my other friend.

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Too Old for Anime?
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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drmario @drmario
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Too Old for Anime?
drmario @drmario
There is no such thing as being too old to watch anime. It's a legit entertainment medium just like books or Hollywood movies. Anime isn't like most western cartoons (with some notable exceptions), tailored only to children. Even then, who's to say you're too old to watch something you enjoy.

Cecil @cecil
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Too Old for Anime?
Cecil @cecil
I don't think it's wrong to be older and like anime. I do think the average convention age nowadays is roughly high school to college age, but plenty of adults enjoy it still. I'm 32 myself, and while I'm not into it as much as I nearly use to be, I still enjoy it quite a bit when I get a chance to watch it. Everyone goes through phases of liking something more passionately than another. I'd honestly love to have someone to watch it with or introduce me to series I might have missed out on.
There is (and always has been) a social stigma around anime being for geeks/nerds and younger people by most "normal" people, but I don't let that detract me from enjoying what I like still. I'll be the first to admit though, my passion for gaming has probably killed the interest in me of at least a few girls I've met and went out on few dates with once they realized how much time and energy I put into it. It's probably why I try to meet and date more geeky/artsy/gamer/bookworm types who I can better identify with and probably won't have a problem dating a gamer versus most "normal" girls who hate or aren't big fans of it.

Yiffy Bunny @yiffy_bunny
commented on
Too Old for Anime?
Yiffy Bunny @yiffy_bunny
I grew up on the anime of the 1960's, back then they were just known as Japanese cartoons.
The thing you need to realize is the world view conveyed by anime become a part of you, what defines you at your core. How you view the world based on the exposure of ideas that you may have only first experienced through an anime.
You are never too old.

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
commented on
Too Old for Anime?
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
Is 62 too old for anime? I hope not!!!! I enjoy it too much to give it up.
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