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Speedish dating

Age: 22 (Optional) Name: Penelope A pet peeve: Ice clinking in a glass drives me nuts One trait you're attracted to: The ability to hold a conversation about things you might not know much about; curiosity. The tolerable age Gap willing to date: 21-23 (Optional)One of your good traits that would be considered desirable in a relationship: I'm definitely very mellow and very loyal. (oops that's two!) (Optional)One of your bad traits most people usually don't like: Uhh I tend to have a resting bitch face, but I'm almost always happy lol (Optional)Men, women, or both: Women! :)
there is already a lack of women in this forum and now a new challenger arrives XD
For some reason theres more Women from texas than in any other state!
I wish they would come to Pasadena my way xD
Snake, you're spoken for. Yeah. This is going to be tough to set up. We have one straight woman in this whole mix. I'll probably look through the men's profile and match her this week. Hopefully more women will come on. The past two pages are members looking for women only.
Im not spoken for.
Nov 09, 19 at 5:33pm
The men must fight to the death to win the lady. https://i.imgur.com/rfNpxqg.jpg
Nov 09, 19 at 6:12pm
I actually see about equal men and women posting comments (edit: on MO), but it does seem like the women are just here for attention and not pursuing serious relationships. Age: 27 Name: Jesus Gandalf Einstein A pet peeve: People with OCD. Especially those who are proud of it. One trait you're attracted to: thin forearms, little house on the prairie dresses, slightly scraggly hair, a really genuine smile The tolerable age Gap willing to date: Mid to early 20's ideal. One of your good traits that would be considered desirable in a relationship: Empathy, hands down. One of your bad traits most people usually don't like: My favorite things to talk about are probably the things you're trying to avoid thinking about. Men, women, or both: Women. Extra: "Whereas a pilgrim seeks a self worthy of the experience, the tourist seeks experiences worthy of the self." I'm finally getting to a point in my life where I can travel and see other countries. The one thing I'll say is I'd rather travel the world with a fellow pilgrim than a tourist.
Ghost and snake, I still have to go back on previous posts to document the profiles. Please stop posting randomly on here. I don't want to have to sort through those either.
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