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Religious rants

Mar 08, 24 at 9:35am
Ah so like the birth of a white Bison. Got it. And they have to live to be 2 years old and maintain their red coat, no white hairs. The comments section is wild but I did see a couple of interesting comments.
Yeah the comment section was definitely wild af. But given the fact they have to conduct the sacrifice on the dome of the rock, and that israel has control of it currently in the sense that they released a statement saying they will allow muslims to practice there still and do whatever
I honetly think its a matter of time before they build the temple. They just need all the items to be in place, because the minute they do it they will start an uproar.
I have to stop getting shocked everytime something happens. I just finished the book of Isaiah and then get recommended a video from the same pastor i always watch talking about the trinity in Isaiah. Honestly the book of Isaiah really speaks about Jesus before Jesus is even introduced. It basically parrots the teachings in revelation. The bible is extremely complex and the LORD is even more so. He will leave you alone to test you, he will allow you to suffer hardship to grow. He will be quiet in your life; however, he wont actually BE quiet. Just it seems that way. The thing im currently struggling with rn, is figuring out how to do what God wants me to do. Because i believe you cant just do good works but also cant be idle but also cant be too stern. Its almost like being the perfect being but you cant and will fall short. I dont feel like i have much time to get it right. There is a reason why in 2022 I came back to the LORD. Everything has a purpose.
My grandmother goes to a methodist church, i remember growing up going to services like this with her old pastor before she moved to a new church. To see them now allowing the same things the bible said is an abomination is further driving the point that the churches will soon be no more. Its even happening to the southern Baptist churches. Which is probably even more on the extremist side. May God protect us in the coming days https://youtu.be/O0Ok4--doxk?si=if4y2HGDLO2VmV9f
Deuteronomy 31:8 "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XzgNMbWRWQ
After speaking with my chaplain and discussing stuff. Its interesting to get a perspective on how the bible talks about things. Like Isaiah 59:2 which talks about the lord turning his face away. I misinterpreted it and it speaks about how our sins and betrayal of the LORD causes him to not hear our prayers. Its not that he cant hear, its that we dont necessarily pray to him. Or well its a message mainly directed at the israelites who prayed to other gods. They didnt speak to him so he didnt hear them. Which rolls into jeremiah which talks about how God is betrayed by his people like a wife who is disloyal to her husband. I am learning alot on this walk with the LORD. not sure how accurate this is but the evangelist John bernett stated how believers who act like they are unbelievers and are convitced of their sins as if they were unbelievers are more saved than the ones who are unbelievers and feel as though they are fine. I might have butchered that thought but yeah. Basically saying its better to struggle over your sins and convict yourself attelpting to rectify and turn away from sin than sin and believe its ok.
I watched this not too long but it really makes sense and what's going to happen to both false Christians (Mark of the Beast) and true followers / Christians of God (Mark of God) and I really liked the details of it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WK4gCHu3H6I
"Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, [29] And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation." John 5:28-29 I called my mom because this message showed itself in my life. I honestly feel like God has been speaking to me lately. I feel like a major change is coming soon. Alot of the communities im engaged with is the same way. Even my sister who hasnt really shown too much of an interest in religion has been doing devotionals and changing aspects of her life. I think the LORD is rounding up his sheep to take them back home.
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