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Political rants

Feb 26, 22 at 2:32pm
@momoichi I don't "buy" it. I believe it. https://i.ibb.co/myBx7V6/66f.jpg
Feb 26, 22 at 2:36pm
pandas teetering dangerously on the edge of being based, but then he brought up trump being some strong man against russia let me remind you he called putin's invasion of a sovereign nation savvy and genius, and dont tell me hes being sarcastic. hes complimenting our enemy, hes complimenting a dictator, hes complimenting the battle tactics of an illegal invasion, as he seems to have a habit of. can hardly call that anything but weak. trumps comment regarding the annexation of crimea was; "Crimea should belong to Russia because most people there speak Russian." such a brave, anti-russian imperialism stance. what a strong hero. really the strong arm we would need right now. biden on the other hand has never said a nice word about putin. i like presidents who dont legitimize our nation's enemies. @kuharido he exists. in all our hearts.
Biden on the other hand directly funded russia with that dumbass pipeline debacle of his. Trump commending Russia for doing everything right doesnt make him a bad leader. Its one leader acknowledging another leader. Albiet putin being a bully in the position of a leader. when one country checkmates another there isnt much you can do. Biden isnt exactly challenging russia so he doesnt deserve praise. As it stands right now Russia has done everything right. Ukraine has been left to burn by all those who played tough as though they were gonna defend it. Putin basically called everyone's bluff. No pne believed he would do it and swore some dainty little sanvtions would stop him when he literally provides resources to their country. The sanctions wil be lifted quietly after all this shit is done. It will take years before those sanctions even have affect. Once russia already occupies ukraine what good does that do besides make Ukrainians suffer as well.
Even Ukraine president told Biden he needed ammunition not a ride. What a legend. In the NY Post they said Trump told Putin 3 years ago if he made a move on Ukraine while he was in office then Moscow was going to get blown the fuck up then comments "Would be a shame to see all those gold statues just explode". Then this happens when Biden is in office not Trump. Putin never made a move until now because Trump is gone. I give him this. The man was so insane it kept people in check
Feb 26, 22 at 5:10pm
@solid_snake95 Short memory, huh? Remember that one time Trump got impeached? Not the other time, talking about the quid pro quo. Yeah, that was President Zelinski of Ukraine that blew the whistle on him. Same badass who's leading a hell of a fight against the Russians to fight authoritarianism. I don't think he ever really trusted us after that.
Their president has been running back and forth to russia for years now. But this time its his country that is taking the hit he has nothing to gain from losing this war, if he abandoned the people now he would have no where to go. They would definitely take a hit on their morale. He knows the UN is backing him up so if he fighys a bit and then retreat he will still be held as the president who fought back.
Feb 26, 22 at 6:04pm
I think you are oversimplifying the situation here. Russia was putting pressure on Ukraine with threats for 8 years now. The first exchange of bullets happened during Trump's presidency, as Russia had been waging a proxy war in the region for some time. This was happening under Obama, Trump, and now Biden inherited the mess of US inaction. Zelinsky had to placate at times, as it meant loosing a country and his people's freedom if he didn't. Ukraine is a buffer nation, even if it decides to shed its puppet rulers. So they had to act as a buffer zone. A man's true character shows when his backs against the wall and everything he holds deer is at stake. Also, back on my earlier point? He later denied a quid pro quo. I was trying to make sure you guys were fact checking. Some things never change I guess. XD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wl959QnD3lM&t=22s Putin walking into Ukraine like
@chocopyro this is why I steer clear of these forums now. Make one comment on something and get roasted the fuck out of instead of discussing. Lol
Feb 26, 22 at 6:28pm
@solid_snake95 Dude, you could have had me with a five second fact check. XD
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