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Nov 23, 22 at 9:56pm
I am tired of shooters being allowed by both the pro-gun and anti-gun supporters. Both have a role to play in creating the perfect circle for senseless violence to occur. https://i.ani.me/0342/0983/grey.jpg The anti-gun for disarming those that could have fought back. https://i.ani.me/0342/0983/grey.jpg And the pro-gun who refused to do more to educate and actively take real preventive changes that don't just preach to their own choir. Too many leave individuals to learn the destructive power without fully appreciating the consequences. Or try to speak directly to ethnic or older teens subject to bullying who can't process their emotions in a healthy manner. Instead scoffing at the notion as not my issue. I privately educate my own family and sell off high powered firearms to strangers I don't know or even care about, so long as they do the shooting elsewhere away from them and their own families. https://i.ani.me/0342/0983/grey.jpg All that still and of course I am pissed off at the grown ass man who couldn't get his shit together and chose not only to kill other unarmed adults... https://i.ani.me/0342/0983/grey.jpg BUT A GODDAMN 16 OLD KID! https://i.ani.me/0342/0983/grey.jpg I can relate to that kid cause I started working at that age doing a similar job. I can't believe their introduction to the adult world was their last! https://i.ani.me/0342/0983/grey.jpg These fuckers that kill people and children in spaces that prevent them from fighting back is what pisses me off more! https://i.ani.me/0342/0983/grey.jpg What!? Not enough of a badass to take your bitch against life to the gun range or store to see how far across the parking lot you make it? https://i.ani.me/0342/0983/grey.jpg You'd impress me more if you went to a military base or police station to go full GTA! Earn them fuckin stars you baby man! https://i.ani.me/0342/0983/grey.jpg Grown ass adult killing a kid... https://i.ani.me/0342/0983/grey.jpg Then the bitch has to go and commit suicide. https://i.ani.me/0342/0983/grey.jpg Cute. Didn't think you could be more of a loser bitch than Charles Manson, but here we are. https://i.ani.me/0342/0983/grey.jpg Can't stand to face the weight of your actions could ya baby man? Didn't want to risk the parents of that child tying your sorry self to the back of a truck to drag you across the pavement at 70 mph down the road? https://i.ani.me/0342/0983/grey.jpg What I would have done to that man if I was the boy's parents. Hell I do it to the corpse of the asshole still. Then mount his body in front of my house like I was Vlad the Impaler to watch it rot and be picked apart by the crows. https://i.ani.me/0342/0983/grey.jpg It's not the guns that were ever the issue. It's the people's minds that are broken. That's what needs fixing. https://i.ani.me/0342/0983/grey.jpg People need to stop killing and hating each other. https://i.ani.me/0342/0983/grey.jpg Look at it this way if you're reading this and think it's fine or the way it's always going to be. https://i.ani.me/0342/0983/grey.jpg All of us WILL DIE! EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING is finite. Why rush it? https://i.ani.me/0342/0983/grey.jpg You'll get nothing special killing others or yourself. https://i.ani.me/0342/0983/grey.jpg People will forget this happened in time. It will repeat itself in time. https://i.ani.me/0342/0983/grey.jpg Back and forth. On loop as if it were a skipping record. https://i.ani.me/0342/0983/grey.jpg So stop. Just don't. Don't worry about death doing his job. He needs no assistance. He'll take you and the rest of us when it's time. https://i.ani.me/0342/0983/grey.jpg In the meantime, enjoy the privilege of living because it certainly isn't a right.
Nini @mikan_kat commented on News
Nov 24, 22 at 3:01am
https://youtu.be/QqHQsOvNhh0 Been following this case for the past week. Everything about it seems to odd.
Nov 28, 22 at 6:29pm
It's been said before, but ya really can't trust the cops. Damn if it isn't a Virginia State Trooper that's catfishing kids on social media. Ain't that some shit? Like seriously what the hell is wrong with America's justice department? https://youtu.be/j9r0slDn0Wk https://i.ani.me/0342/6053/screenshot_20221128-191543-158.png
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Nov 30, 22 at 12:41pm
Dated but just saw, another meme person passed. Sad. She was only 16. https://youtu.be/Mhn44Nwweo0
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Nov 30, 22 at 3:32pm
Nov 30, 22 at 4:02pm
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/man-who-punched-67-year-old-asian-woman-125-times-in-n-y-gets-17-years-in-prison/ar-AA14JQ4V?OCID=ansmsnnews11 Hate Crime or not, this guy deserves the 17 years in prision he is getting, maybe he should get more time there just for doing this. Hope his butthole is wide enough.
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Dec 05, 22 at 10:27am
https://youtu.be/5Eqt_vLPsFw Re: Balenciaga.
Dec 07, 22 at 8:59pm
Dec 07, 22 at 9:04pm
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Dec 23, 22 at 2:57am
https://youtu.be/bWfa4J3lp38 Media quiet about teenage shoot out that kills 2 and wounds 6
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