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Your Opinion on Feminism

third wave feminism is bad!
I think its great to support the women, specially because we cant deny mostly parts of the history has showed how the women has been mistreated, rapted, used as propety and many great discoverys where disacredit or stoled, because a "girl" find it; even now, in a personal aspect, even now i had difficulty because of my gender and i cant get out of my house in the night, because its to dangerous where im living. But, i have to agreed... the actual Feminims of way beyond from was before; while the feminist fighted for the rights of the woman and equality between genders in the society; this new generations of femenists use this to be "viral" in the net, or be aggresive to cause disturbence instead of find a solution to the real problem; even there are those so called "Feminazis" who has this intense hate towards man and even harm them And that not even the intention of the real feminism, its really problematic with the real feminists who are actually trying to make a place more safe for the woman, with the same opportunity of work and be shoulder to shoulder with the man.
Feminism isn't bad. In fact I'm more of a feminist myself but extremists give it a bad name.
i've learned from my mother who is a feminist to get into politics, i try not to argue about it because it seems a lot of the time nobody has any clear idea on what any given thing really is when it comes to any political concept. what i learned is that feminism is just the same as it always was, but that some other extremists popped up and gave it a bad name. additionally, feminism is basically equality for all. that being said, i have argued with my mother to just use the word equalism, it makes more sense (coincidentally, maise williams from game of thrones had the same idea). I believe part of the problem is that people see it in a negative light due to the word "feminism" personally i don't really like men, i find most of them to be repugnant, including myself. but at the same time, women in my experience are super annoying in that they generally can't decide a damn thing and at the drop of a hat will change their minds on something (not unlike donald trump now that i think of it). also they seem to be masochists for the most part. both sexes have good and bad things about them thats all i really know, and my personal experiences dont apply to the majority of the women on the planet and especially not all of them. long story short, no fucking clue anymore what to think because people can't decide on words meaning the same thing to everyone.
Popcorn, Not sure about what was stolen by who, But you could argue that on many points not just from women, But other men stealing men's work. Without anything specific and objective evidence to back it up, this can't be argued for or against. Don't worry, as a girl, you have a far less likelihood of being murdered statistically. At least in Western Countries(which is what I am overall talking about.), They do have the same rights and ability to work as men. If not more so with Affirmative Action. Trashcan Kid, If that is so, then how do you argue against the fact that things such as the wage gap, rape culture, and female oppression in western culture, are all things that Feminism's core people often fight for. Don't exist in actuality and are made due to the skewering of facts? I could give you ten laws that are against men and for women. I don't think you can do the same friend. My point is that even if the extremists are the worst, the core feminists are also perpetuating outright false information. Ryushika, "personally i don't really like men, i find most of them to be repugnant, including myself." This right here, shows you may have some personal issues against men overall, and some self hate issues bud. I hope you don't find yourself repugnant, it isn't a healthy mindset. I'm not talking about extremists, I mean those that perpetuate mostly the ideals of rape culture, the wage gap, and female oppression in western culture. While if you look into it, you can actually learn, all three of these things don't exist.(Not including other cultures of course. Feminism is needed in places like Saudi Arabia.) I'm not against equality. Far from it. I treat women as I treat men. I believe in equal opportunity(Not outcome). I don't mind nor care whether women are annoying or men assholes, What I care about is equality among the law. Which as I said to a person above, I can list ten things women have over men legally. And I can't do the same with men over women, with objective evidence. Women and Men will always have terrible people in each sex, and great ones. They are different, physically and mentally due to biology, which is a good thing. However, feminism is not Women. and I am criticizing the former, rather than the latter.
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Aug 15, 18 at 5:02pm
I certainly don't agree with the modern ideology of Feminism and how it's so bloody confusing to understand to the point where people only seem to understand half of it which leads most people to blindly side with some of it. It just really bothers me that there so many people in the world that claim to be against the ideology but know nothing about it.
Felix I speak of the modern Feminism, Which did nothing about the positives you mentioned. However I do agree it has done positive things in the past, even though if you read up on it, plenty of the larger people behind it were actually also misandrists. Hell "Political Lesbianism" was created by a woman in the second wave. Matchesia, I'm not sure if you're pointing that comment towards me or not. However, I myself, and most I have discussed with that are against feminism, Know the most about it and it's history. The whole reason I am against Feminism is due to reading up on it, and the facts it tries to proclaim. Originally I was full on for feminism, Until I looked deeper and deeper into it, On what the movement has done, what it is trying to do, the laws in place, The Actual statistics, ect. Feminism isn't that hard to understand to be honest. It's a political movement that is being treated like a religion, like any religion it has multiple sects, Many people follow it blindly, and those that don't are the enemy or at best "Ignorant" about it. It also goes under the wave of Identity politics, heavily inspired by Karl Marx. Which is damaging to begin with, due to the victim narrative it must create to be valid.
Aug 16, 18 at 7:46pm
In my opinion, as long as the Double Standard exist, it will almost be impossible for Feminist to reach their goal which I'm pretty sure is equality amongst genders.
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