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What is it like dating you?

I'm more into cuddling... http://49.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m57uaoUbBy1rp9t0eo1_500.gif
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Like Aladdin taking Jasmine for a carpet ride. Except I dont just drop her off to sleep alone that night.
A lot of babying probably ahahahahaha
Sep 06, 19 at 7:12pm
i protecc i attacc but most importantly i always reply bacc (im clingy)
Hah, great use of the meme Lamby. In any case, I've never dated before but if I had to visualize what it'd be like dating me, well I'm definitely quiet in person that's for sure. Though, not completely quiet it takes time for me to get used to someone and.. I'm just not that great of a conversationalist. But overall, I'd say that I'm a pretty understanding person, and a good listener. I'm also a pretty caring person though I may not show it on the outside.
Honestly, I've only ever dated one person one time, I'm not gonna go into details about it but long story short I broke it off with her after a week. She just seemed too.... pushy. If you catch my drift. But if I could describe my self? I'd probably be someone to watch anime with and cuddle up on the couch or bed. I've never really cared TOO much about sex, but I'm definitely not opposed. Just don't throw it in my face 24/7 365.
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