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Unpopular opinions

Apr 07, 22 at 8:04am
@projectotakux anime used to be something I'd watch for fun and enjoyed. I still like the central idea, but I don't watch at all anymore. The reason? Really feels like everything in anime now has to be about demon powers, or big boobs. Gone from watching something we genuinely enjoyed, to collecting nearly nude figures of anime women. Anime that doesn't involve that, has a character with edgy powers. My personal favorite characters have no power, but a strong will. Fans always saying uwu and owo. Roleplay is okay, I can see that, but casually, please no. To me at least. I'm sure I could go further in detail, but it's not a topic worth using my brain for
Apr 07, 22 at 11:23am
Anime has literally been like that since WELL before you were born. Ain't nothin new, bruh. Thing is, there are tons of genres and lots that don't focus on fan service or "edgy powers".
Anime WAS a mistake. It never should have happened. Also fuck Disney. And also fuck the next person who comments(lovingly~)
Apr 07, 22 at 2:51pm
Better not be lovingly. I think my hero academia is mid.
Don't try me bro I WILL hug you. https://c.tenor.com/ApfJHef4J1UAAAAM/love-anime.gif
Apr 07, 22 at 3:17pm
Say whut about anime? Yall silly lil weabuus https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/720/506/4f1.png https://i.ani.me/0326/1449/violentuwu.jpg
Apr 07, 22 at 4:22pm
I'd take platonic hugs. Bros need to be more loving anyway. Just saying...
@cur_lypav I think you have spent too much time on the internet. As I stated a year ago, I dont believe in Toxic Fandoms since toxic people exist everywhere.
Apr 07, 22 at 6:55pm
Sorry for jumping into the conversation but I admit one reason I haven’t watched anime in a long time is because I just found stuff I didn’t like in it (the ones I’ve seen btw). I hate how sometimes if there’s a serious situation happening it almost seems like sometimes they don’t handle it correctly in the show, I do know that it could be because the way people have a “mind my business” attitude about everything in Asian culture about almost everything and I watched a video on an Asian guy literally talking about it too (also is it a silly reason... maybe but I just can’t handle it!). But I’m sure there are still really awesome anime’s I just haven’t seen em you know ^^
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