No Longer Allowed In Another World
Gabriel @gabriel_true
No Longer Allowed In Another World
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I see yet another anime about the real life author Dazi being a main character in a fantasy world was made. I'm curious what about this random author who committed suicide with his wife by drowning in a river speaks to these other writers?
Now I'm wondering if we should come to see a random boom of Edgar Poe shows.
Like "NEVER MORE! A Dead Poet's Unlife in the Next World." Also disappointed in the translation team for not going with the title "No Longer Human in Another World."
Veru @verucassault
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No Longer Allowed In Another World
Veru @verucassault
Well damn, that dark thirst trapped me just at the mention of companion suicide by drowning. That's romantic AF and how Virginia Woolf went out. I mean romance in the classical sense. It's complicated. Melancholic. Fuck.
You know what I mean.
princess_snow @princess_snow
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No Longer Allowed In Another World
princess_snow @princess_snow
me and my brother started watching it and were surprised how much we like it so far.
Gabriel @gabriel_true
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No Longer Allowed In Another World
Gabriel @gabriel_true
It's an acquired taste it would seem. Perhaps I'll just have to hang around to get the appeal?
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