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@daggerfella93 23 is about the age when women on average emotionally mature (It varies by person), for men its a few years later. If you date before then, you're subject to twice the wishy washy feelings and irrational behavior, and I don't know how people have the patience for barley legal girls. 4 years up is reasonable as well, as for me, after that point is when you start hitting generational gaps. Not a lot of people over the age of 40 can even relate to otaku culture, and a lot of the people over 40 in the ghost hunting and paranormal communities tend to be a bit weird, since they grew up having to keep their interests private. The lack of exchange of information leads to some very peculiar beliefs.
Thought it was 25 for women, 30 for men. All dependant on the development of the prefrontal lobe tbh
Jul 12, 24 at 11:29am
On a serious note, that is fucked and good on you for calling him out for that shit.
The oddest thing is that he said "I spoke to my coworkers about you, they feel I'm right and your being an asshole" like FFS, how can I even take this seriously, it's obvious that the first generation Ukrainian-Canadian named Eugene Sloupsky of Toronto Canada is lying to me and thinking it's an own. Beware of this guy, he mostly likes to message and groom underage cosplayers. He feels like if he's friends with them as of he's owed something from them when he asks them out. It's insane and creepy. He's got an Instagram and he's been banned from like sonic forums and Wolfenstein forums for it all and it's odd he hasn't learned his lesson. No amount of girls blocking him for asking them out has ever gotten him to open up his eyes. Like how can a girl not think he only talked to them cuz he wanted to date them later down the road after something like that. Sure it's not illegal, but that's a cope... It's HELLA CREEPY and disgusting.
Jul 12, 24 at 12:29pm
Huh... Knew something was up with that dude. Anyways... Personally, I can't even imagine dating someone who's 30. 20 or god forbid , younger? Literally turns my stomach (I'm not blind and will admit I visually enjoy adults younger than me. Key word, ADULTS. Like, I can admit when a woman is attractive, but that's it at a certain point.)My stuff is not all together, but the maturity and thought process is really a huge difference. Dated two and married one that was 7yrs younger than me... Not again.lol But, I may be jaded.lol
I legit almost pulled my hair out trying to save those guy and help him see the light. But he saw me as a cock blocking Christian who was making things inconvenient for him. I kept telling him that girls are more receptive to dating and have a level head if they are 25 or older, and you don't have to date only cosplayers... Any girl you date that loves you will be willing to try out your hobbies so you don't have to stick to a crowd that unfortunately is known to be prevalent with mental illnesses (not meaning this as an insult to anyone, but most cosplayers I have met are crazy in some way shape or form, AND THE LAST girl he creeped on put "mentally ill" on her Instagram profile" He didn't like me saying any of that, and kept saying he wasn't doing anything wrong. And I'm surprised Antebaka was trying to cover for him for some reason. I think his friends keep him around as a personal lolcow and don't want to see him in jail... He even admitted that he was online stalking this 17 year old who blocked him as he was talking about masturbation on discord. He went to great lengths to get around her block and see her posts on Instagram. He kept giving me reports on it every time she put up a new post and went absolutely LOCO when she mentioned a secret significant other, he somehow thought it was him and kept saying there's still a chance... And he wouldn't listen. Why are some otaku this DENSE??? I went to her, she confirmed to me she didn't want anything to do with him, he still didn't listen so I finally had enough and got him banned on MaiOtaku and kicked his ass off of my discord server I've said all I can at this point, and don't think I can add anything else about this guy. He's so disconnected from reality... He even believes in white chick magic (manifestation) and that he can will the universe to allow himself into a relationship with these girls who are still mentally children. I really really hope he DOESNT ever get what he wants, cuz I would feel horrible if some girl gets caught up with him. Really wish I had gone to the police about this guy. I don't have evidence anymore, was on my old phone that is broken...
Only thing I can say is you have to let him learn for himself how the world works. It's cruel but he isn't going to listen at this point until life smacks him down. That's how I learned alot of things. Had to get fucked up before getting humbled by life. That's what needs to happen. You did everything you could do man. Don't beat yourself up about it. You were a heck of a friend to go that far for him. However, if he approaches you again with screenshots or records of him sexting minors or grooming you should report him before he hurts himself.
I don't think I'll get anything like that from him, I have them blocked on discord, and I don't think he's too interested in sharing his exploits with me at the moment.
At that point let him learn for himself when someone makes a distrack about him. All jokes aside, seriously, you were a good friend dagger. Not many people, if any, would do as much as you did setting up warning signs for that guy.
Yeah I guess so. One of the things I want to do is to kind of change the world or at least change a few people. Most people seem to live in a delusion, and I hope that by loving people I could be saved or at least maybe loved by someone else. I don't know, I think it's part of my being a people pleaser and wanting to please god, but I think I do care too much about a lot of things
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