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20 Questions

Apr 21, 24 at 12:30pm
1. Have you ever had boba? I make my own boba pearls. It's actually not too hard. Just a real pain because one has to really get the right consistency and heat for it to hold up correctly. 2. Do you have a favorite flavor? Taro and Tapioca Boba 3. Do you have a favorite herb? Sage or mint. They go so good in teas, medicines, and has cultural significance to the pagan Irish. 4. Do you like to eat your vegetables? I do. I like most vegetables. 5. If you were a vegetable, what kind would you be? Probably something like brussel sprouts or cabbage, bitter when treated poorly, multi layered, and pretty good when cooked properly.
Apr 21, 24 at 12:31pm
More questions: 1. Do you like cat memes? 2. If you do, do you have a favorite one you're willing to share? 3. Would you consider yourself judgemental? 4. Ever tasted a cherry blossom? 5. If you were a cat, what kind of cat would you be?
1. Do you like cat memes: I think they're ok. 2. If you do, do you have a favorite one you're willing to share: I've added it. Fate alone will decide if it actually posts. 3. Would you consider yourself judgemental: I do judge people for outrageous behavior but its not a defining quality. 4. Ever tasted a cherry blossom: No but I imagine it tastes pink. 5. If you were a cat, what kind of cat would you be: An orange one.
Apr 21, 24 at 2:28pm
1. Cat memes? Yes 2. Cat meme? I probably do, but can't recall it at the moment. 3. Judgemental? Nope. Prospector all the way. 4. Tasted cherry blossom? Nope 5: Cat color? A boring grey color, if not either black or white.
1. I guess so? But I don't really look at memes like that 2. Same as Choco above me. I probably do have a favorite but cannot recall 3. I am not sure. I like to think if I do or did judge someone it is in a fair way and usually about something really serious. I actually think a lot before I think to say anything...so I definitely can say I don't just talk to be talkin' 4. I have not. But I have seen desserts made from them and they actually look really good 5. I am not sure. When I was three I wanted to be a cat XD. As long as I am not a bald or grumpy looking cat, I'm good
1. Do you like cat memes? It's kitties of course. 2. If you do, do you have a favorite one you're willing to share? I do but it's not a meme but a gif. https://media.tenor.com/jngqqsKyOCUAAAAM/shaq-cat.gif 3. Would you consider yourself judgemental? Sure, why not. 4. Ever tasted a cherry blossom? I have. 5. If you were a cat, what kind of cat would you be? I'd be a purrdy kitty.
Apr 21, 24 at 4:29pm
1. Do you like cat memes? I love a good meme 2. If you do, do you have a favorite one you're willing to share? It was one I made myself with a picture of my late great boi. 3. Would you consider yourself judgemental? I make a point to be non judgemental 4. Ever tasted a cherry blossom? Yes. They're slightly sour, sweet, and floral. 5. If you were a cat, what kind of cat would you be? I am a ginger kitty.
Apr 21, 24 at 4:32pm
More questions: 1. Do other people find you a funny person?(like they laugh at your jokes) 2. What variety is your sense of humor? 3. What are you listening to right now? 4. Are you a multi-tasker or unitasker? 5. What position do you tend to sleep in?
1. IRL, yes they do 2. Does naturally funny count? My sense of humor doesn't really come from telling or making up a joke on the spot, but more from me acting like myself. Like my personality I guess I'd say 3. Yodel odel obey me from Phineas & Ferb XD. On a technicality since my twin is listening to it rn 4. I think I am a unitasker. Can't multitask to save my life lol 5. On my stomach
Apr 21, 24 at 8:14pm
More questions: 1. Do other people find you a funny person?(like they laugh at your jokes) My siblings and friends seem to think I'm hilarious. Not sure why. 2. What variety is your sense of humor? Sarcastic and dark. 3. What are you listening to right now? The sound of my pc humming. I'm mentally exhausted right now and music is jus noise to me. Sadly 4. Are you a multi-tasker or unitasker? Multi-tasker extreme. I have to do several things at once for some reason. 5. What position do you tend to sleep in? Almost like a mummy. I was an adult the first time I had my own bed, so I'm used to not taking up too much space.
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