Finding a 3rd?

chomusuke @chomusuke
Finding a 3rd?
chomusuke @chomusuke
Is it weird that me and my BF are trying to find a 2nd girl to join our relationship? I had a threesome with another cutie and him but she lives in Norway so connecting or doing stuff IRL often is kinda of a pain. So I guess I just kinda miss that now, she was here for like 10 days. Wish it would have gone on for longer...

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Finding a 3rd?
yaasshat @yaasshat
Not weird, but definitely not recommended. How would he feel if it was a dude?

Arc @arc
commented on
Finding a 3rd?
Arc @arc
I wish you the best of luck, but this site is more of a sausage fest than a German butcher shop in the middle of Octoberfest

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Finding a 3rd?
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Reminds me of a story my brother once told me about a co-worker he knew. Said the man dated a woman for a year before asking her to marry. Then a month after the wedding the wife brings another woman home and introduced her as her lavender lover. (Lavender is when someone who's really just gay or lesbian enters a traditional marriage for the sake of convenience.)
So the man despite owning the house turned right around, moved out, got a lawyer, and annulled the union since it had been less than a year into it. His former wife tried to win him over by saying "Isn't all men's fantasy this?" to which he replied sensibly, "If you kept this a secret then I have to assume your hiding other things as well."
Also the other woman more than likely would have been inviting strangers to come live in the home for free and trying to use him for financial assistance. It just reeked of abuse and manipulation in waiting had he not quickly addressed the matter.
Plus if he had sex with the other woman then his new wife could sue for adultery and obtain half of what he owned for infidelity.

Ghost @kuharido
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Finding a 3rd?
Ghost @kuharido
Do you also want the third person?

Highway Curly @forgetmenot
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Finding a 3rd?
Highway Curly @forgetmenot

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Finding a 3rd?
Gabriel @gabriel_true

Finding out your wife eats more pussy than you!
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