Gabriel True Turns 32 and NOW so can YOU!
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Gabriel True Turns 32 and NOW so can YOU!
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday everyone including me! Happy birthday UWU !!!
Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Gabriel True Turns 32 and NOW so can YOU!
Gabriel @gabriel_true
yaasshat @yaasshat
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Gabriel True Turns 32 and NOW so can YOU!
yaasshat @yaasshat
I feel sad for the lonely cake...
Happy birthday. Now allow that cake the company of your mouth.
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
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Gabriel True Turns 32 and NOW so can YOU!
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Gabriel True Turns 32 and NOW so can YOU!
Gabriel @gabriel_true
My mother spared no expenses getting these fine toiletries! Totally not a regift from one of her considerate coworkers, no sir!
yaasshat @yaasshat
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Gabriel True Turns 32 and NOW so can YOU!
yaasshat @yaasshat
I mean... If you don't like them, I'll take the beard wash.
Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Gabriel True Turns 32 and NOW so can YOU!
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I'd actually give that to you for real on account it has Lavender in it and that stuff gives me migraines.
Ghost @kuharido
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Gabriel True Turns 32 and NOW so can YOU!
Ghost @kuharido
Happy birthday!
yaasshat @yaasshat
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Gabriel True Turns 32 and NOW so can YOU!
yaasshat @yaasshat
Sheeeit. I love lavender. Sorry... To bad it wasn't bourbon or tobacco.
Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Gabriel True Turns 32 and NOW so can YOU!
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Thank you everyone for those birthday wishes!
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