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Various interface improvements and the like throughout the site mostly affecting commenting and posting. Please report any strange behaviour.
Feb 18, 23 at 8:31pm
Using the mobile site, you cannot reply to wall posts.
This probably isn’t as serious as not being able to comment. But the hearts are acting weird (at least for me), I can’t see that I’ve hearted the post unless I reload or click on where the number for the hearts given is at.
Feb 19, 23 at 1:14am
I'm not sure what you mean about not being able to reply to wall posts. Screenshot maybe? Cause it seems to work here
Sephi, I think what she means are these light grey things on wall posts. Because I can’t respond to people’s posts when they post on my wall like this
Feb 19, 23 at 1:41am
Ahh, I believe that error may be now resolved.
Feb 19, 23 at 1:51am
Hearting should be fixed now too.
Yes, everything seems to work now! ^-^ Thank you Sephi for the quick work
Feb 19, 23 at 8:20am
Oooooo I see you can also now delete wall post replies. Good. Because that's where the Typo-Demon Lord gets me... everytime.
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