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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

@sparkis ahh yes. You and your love for the dark style ^^, which ones are your favorite?
Jul 11, 22 at 7:13am
@wei_ying Ayo can't you ask a more easier question? I can't chooooose
Jul 11, 22 at 7:13am
probably the last one though
@sparkis I’m sorry I made it hard sksksk
I confess I read that comment out of context and thought something lewd was going on
Jul 11, 22 at 2:43pm
@swadian Yeah man I though of it too and I cant unthink it anymore
@swadian @sparkis I am disappointed in the both of you. Get out XD https://c.tenor.com/JW78xvso9jkAAAAC/open-the-door-la-gladiators.gif
(2:31 AM Tue. July 12th) Just literally though about this and this is to all my babies, no matter what https://c.tenor.com/Yn-D0C8V6sgAAAAC/mariah-carey-always-be.gif
(6:02 PM Tue. July 12th) it’s thundering and raining and I’m getting sleepy at the sounds I’m hearing. I love thunderstorms so much~
You wanted a list @gdmh39 here you go xD If you are NOT GD (husbando) you are not allowed to: 1. Call me waifu (that is top of my list and would make me feel weird if anyone else did it) 2. Flirt and tease me about being a waifu or great gf and such I think at this point when he teases he knows how to do it so please don’t bring it up too much cause I end up feeling like those compliments don’t end up meaning anything when said repeatedly and you’re trying to force me to like you (or convince I should say) 3. You also can’t make comments about having kids with me XD... he’s husbando so he can play around that way and lastly 4. You are NOT GD so refer to all listings above. I love you all who read this and thank you if you did <3
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