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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

@yaasshat Happy Belated Father's Day to you, Ya-Ya! I want to apologize first and foremost as when I post I don't mean to make anyone feel jealous or sad about their current situation or relationships of people they have around them or whatever it may be. :( But, I want to say that I am not exempt from family problems. I'm not going to lie and say that it always is or has been sunshine and rainbows, even though we all have a very close relationship since even when I was a kid, we WERE NOT and still ARE NOT exempt from the occasional spats, fights or issues. It's just that I don't like sharing such personal information even if there was a problem, cause I don't feel like burdening someone else with any feelings, plus the fact it helps me learn to go to them and be honest about how I feel and gives me and them a chance to help all of us mature and listen to one another. So, please know that my family argues and has problems sometimes like anyone else's does ^^, I can tell you though that we have all put in the work to do better for ourselves and each other. It wouldn't be so "wholesome" as you say if we never try for each other everyday. Translation: we are where we are today because of the work we put in to maintaining it, it isn't the way it is just because. I don't know what your family is like, but I hope whatever closeness you may want and desire for yourself will come to pass. You just keep trying everyday for yourself and your family, cause that is what is important is that you try first and foremost ^^. I know it can be hard to...but I have faith in you Ya-Ya, it'll be alright :3. Apologies for this getting so long and being sappy, but I love you! Even if I don't know you, I don't need to to love you. I'll be wishing you the best always and thank you!
It's a happy jealousy. It's ok for people to have a little jealousy, there is a healthy way to do that, I promise. I'm not sad in the least(Well, maybe for other reasons that have literally nothing to do with what you post.).lol It's more like things I'd hope to emulate and imbue unto my children, that's all. I gather there are no perfect families, but there are elements worth taking note of. My upbringing is done, but what I can learn to give to the family I'm making, that's worth being jealous for and not just over, if that makes sense.
@yaasshat Oh! Yes, that makes perfect sense. I'm sorry I assumed...I just got worried seeing that sometimes, but now that I know I am good XD. I think that's just beautiful then ^^. You are already doing right by them and yourself by simply wanting that and trying to act those things out as well, I know it won't mean much coming from me, but I am proud of you for trying. Keep it up, Ya-Ya! ❤️
(12:59 AM Mon.) Finished my adorable baby puzzle, isn't it cute? It's one of the prizes I won during the games my family and I played on Father's Day. Also, meet the cat I s̶t̶o̶l̶e̶ was kindly gifted by my eldest sister. I named him Lofi (pronounced low-fee. Fee is said like fee in legal fee). She made it and he was so cute my brain said snatch it while my fingers twitched at the thought, but my reasonable side said not to take it-but I did anyway! So now he's mine! It's alright though, she's very strong and I know could have taken it from me any time when she saw I hid it under my shirt XD...but she put up a weak fight and was giggling the whole time she was "wrestling" it from me, so therefore she must want me to have it UwU. I really do plan to pay her for every crocheted stuffy I s̶t̶o̶l̶e̶ borrowed from her when I have the cash, I do hope to support her projects and business some day. ^^
(11:21 AM Sat.) Had a really long day yesterday leaving to Virginia (it took 5 hours to get there) to help out our aunt (adopted aunt more specifically) move into her new home. Poor woman has no one in her own family that wants to help her...they are honestly so upsetting in their actions towards her all the time, but I digress now before I start ranting. The temperature outside was definitely way cooler than on Thursday when we had to leave somewhere, so that was nice, though we ran into a slight issue at the beginning where the sun melted off the sticky layer on the rearview mirror XD. Luckily we had a very strong and fast drying glue, so we just glued it back on and went on our way. It was interesting to see how beautiful the scenery got when heading into Virginia, they have A LOT of camping and fishing material lol. My twin, second eldest brother and I rode with our eldest sister and had some good laughs along the way. Though I was fading in and out of sleep most the time there because we woke up early XD, but I still had fun! When we arrived to our aunt's we checked around the house and decided it fit her very well, then we all helped move the boxes into the house and left our mom (she's an amazing organizer) to place the furniture and other things where they need to go. I ended up doing our aunt's dishes the whole time there and it took me about 3-4 hours (I was NOT about to let her eat out of those plates and pots). It was about 9-10 something when we left her house and our mom (who drove a separate car with our dad, eldest brother and baby brother in it) immediately went to find us dinner, which was WaWa (as that was the only place open). Because of my family being large and the very late hour, the gas station workers needed quite a bit of time to make our food , which was perfectly fine as we are very patient people anyway lol. We finally ate dinner around 12 AM the next morning (which is today) and left for our house. My siblings and I just found it hilarious how different crossing out of Virginia and back to our house was, the immediate chaos of a street fight in a McDonald's parking lot and the sound of police sirens was drastically different from the calm nature sounds of Virginia (where our aunt was at anyway). But, we live in sector 7 of our neighborhood and are close to the deep part of the hood- anywho! It was a fun day despite the abysmal traffic at first! XD
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