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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

Yeah. I'm realizing my relationship with her was special. I know people who were close to grandparents, but when I realize some people aren't close to at least one grandparent, I feel sad for them. On the flip side, my mother's mother I avoid like the plague. She's not a good person, mean and evil.
@verucassault Yeah, I know me and my siblings probably weren’t as close as we could be to our grandma and grandpa, but we did have some sort of connection since we stayed with them and visited every Christmas Eve ^^. I do feel bad I never got to see our granddad Mac much (our dad’s dad) he was a nice man but lived too far away so we couldn’t see him. It sounds so... depressing? To say but the last time we got to see him was on his funeral... I felt bad because I know my dad would’ve loved to let us see him (and I would’ve loved that too tbh). Anyhow! Sorry your other grandma is mean... that’s the same but with our dad’s dad 2nd wife. Not a biological grandma but one from marriage and she is a mean, nasty woman for sure. Just like you do yours we avoided her as much as possible now XD
(10:42 PM Sat. Jan 14th) Well, me and my twin are now moved into our eldest brothers room since our grandma arrived and has to stay in our room. Their room is new... odd... messy? XD Me and my twin are just laughing at the realization on how different our rooms are kept, we never knew how to describe it but we said our room is more organized and clean we suppose. The boys room is messy and yet somehow bland... no decorations, no pillows or colorful blankets to brighten up the room. And I don’t have my colorful lights to light up the room/hallway and make it not bland. But! At least my sisters bed is upstairs now and adds color, plus I have my sunflower blanket and other colorful things and my zebra pillow to liven things up UwU Edit: Oh! And we are now moved away from our eldest sister so that sucks :3. She is in the room right across from us in the basement and we always bust into her room and she likes to hear us laugh during the night. Now she said it’s kind of odd how silent it will be XD
(1:32 AM Sun. Jan 15th) I made dinner for some of my siblings yesterday. It was grilled cheese sandwiches and chicken noodle soup, which I really enjoyed making for them! My sandwich was not as hot when I ate it but I loved cooking for them and it felt good to see them eat something I made (and enjoy it too) UsU. I’m glad the sandwiches came out good and not burnt! I never made grilled cheese before and I was wondering if I should’ve set a timer but it was fine since I usually don’t use a timer when cooking... although maybe I should?
(9:20 AM Sun. Jan 15th) I haven’t woken up early in a long time... time to go back to bed y’all <3
(2:45 PM Sun. Jan 15th) Well, I got woken up at 11 something and so I’m up now. But I’m still tired and should take a nap XD, because I love naps and they are great! I would watch my YouTube videos but they just make me really sleepy anyway so that wouldn’t help
(11:29 PM Mon. Jan 16th) My twin has recently brought to my attention that one of the many reasons my iPad mini 2 may not be downloading apps anymore may be because of the POTENTIALLY... possibly... maybe... most likely? Illegal websites I find to watch movies on... I mean it’s not like I can download the apps that allow me to watch the movies I want XD, and my iPad mini doesn’t support some of the actually legal sites either and if it does I need to pay to watch movies. So (possibly) illegal websites is the only choice for me! Great thing is though I said I can continue to watch movies for free on this iPad when I get a new device and don’t have to worry about my new device being hacked :D. Doesn’t it work out in the end? https://media.tenor.com/RB9yaZUHttIAAAAC/fate-anime.gif
(4:24 PM Tue. Jan 17th) I can’t tell if the noises outside are crying kids or fighting cats... I witnessed a cat fight before and they sounded like upset, wailing children XD. I think it might be kids? But maybe not... they seem to still be arguing if it is cats, I wonder what they are arguing about? A nice mouse they saw? The one street cat found out their partner cat has another feline on the side? Maybe a cat is giving birth and she’s expressing the labor pains through loud wails with her midwife cats on the side helping? So many possibilities and idk which ones. XD
Fighting over nice pussy ofc
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