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The Last 100 People Left On Earth

Feb 19, 22 at 8:11am
Day 1 I would have to jack a tractor trailer and rush to DC to preserve all only the greatest works of art and raid the library of all important literature. I would also take important instruction manuals that would help me re-boot society so it isn't lost forever. Day 4 I would pack the trailer with as much canned food as possible and haul it all out to colorado. Why Colorado you ask? Because the entire east half of the United States would be shrouded in nuclear explosions and fallout because the nuclear powerplants, which have had a sustained blackout, have overheated nuclear cores and have now melted down. 1 week in, most of the world is caked in a nuclear winter. I'd have boxes of seed banks and find a greenhouse to start planting seeds and monitor environment changes with a Geiger counter just in case. After planting and getting that going, I would read book after book on how to restore backup power and other critical infrastructure so not all perishable food sources are lost. I would jack solar panels from traffic monitoring devices, roofs, and feed them into a centralized power network that would power the most important buildings. This is 3 months in. I don't even have the time to worry about looking for other people. Say I happen to run across one of the other 99. I'd probably be shocked, probably think I am hallucinating because the lack of social interaction for the last 6 months has me in a very different state of mind. Two scenarios would happen: Scenario A: The person I meet is a man. I would think that I am extremely unlucky. I would show him how I do things and things he can be in charge of to help build a sustainable town. If I find that he is unwilling do do anything or endangers my survival, I would kill him as quickly and painlessly as possible and go about my business. Scenario B: The person I meet is a woman. Jackpot. I would show her how I do things and things she could do to help build a sustainable town. I would explain to her, we are probably going to have to adam and eve this shit. There would be constant sex, and a constant stream of babies. When I am not helping build up the community I'm probably going to help make more babies. Whether I meet people or not, once I get critical infrastructure saved, I would try to establish communication with the rest of the world. I would jack into a communication tower and broadcast my location. If there were ANY people left I would welcome them because I would need way more help because I can't rebuild society by myself. And that's the year 1 game plan :P
XD I love that @arc You got the real deal gameplan going. And Scenario B sounds pretty sweet. LMAO
Feb 19, 22 at 11:02am
Bust a fat nut Jk
Probably, be a nugget.
>.< I don't have any good comebacks at those 2 jokes. But I do like you guys and hope we can be MO buddies. >.< So far my 2 weeks here MO and then 2 to 6 months away from MO hasn't worked out so well with maintaining constant friendships here other than Panda and Snake mostly..
Lol. You and Panda rule dude. Charles does too. Even after 7 years I still need to learn how to joke on you guys level better XD
I need to get to know everyone on my friends list tho. Some people have like 200 or 300 friends and that seems awfully hard to know who all of them are. I feel bad not making more of an effort tho. Some of them I do know somewhat but at the same time it's only here and there I talk to them. What about you guys? Do have a lot of peeps on your list you don't know too well?
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