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Anonymous Confessions -Ultimatix-

1315 I read this last night and laughed deliriously as I pictured lesbians in 'de Nile'
I think I know who 1324 is
Why is 1320 in quotations? Kinda weird. Not to mention, the whole point of the ugly duckling was that it was a beautiful swan all along....Soooo.... Hit me harder, daddy.;)
1315. I hate woman and I don't trust them
1316. I see many girls use the term abussive relationship. Any girl who says I was in a abusive relationship. Sorry but If you hear anyone say that you should be skeptical at best. There full of shit . I've seen many girls use that term. Guys run the opposite fucking direction when they use it. Your in a world of trouble. RUN.
1317. I agree with Lamby. No confessions should be posted that could be used to legitimately hurt other users directly. It won't be hilarious to the people that it does real world damage to. Words can in fact be used to hurt people. If it wasn't why would people keep doing it? Cause they know it hurts others and that's exactly what they desire. Don't feed the beast.
@1317 real world damage? XD this little obscure site on the net has no impact. Now if you meet someone offline that's on you. https://i.imgur.com/qfTIwQU.jpeg https://media.tenor.com/BP9vMzwRSZwAAAAC/laughing-lol.gif @yaasshat the quotations were in the original confessions I try not to edit them in anyway. I have to in some cases though.
1318. Dagger just a beta bitch
1319. I https://i.imgur.com/qfTIwQU_d.jpeg poopied
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