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Design your wordl

It’s a forum game and it is simple. Name one thing you want to change or like to be in the world we are living in. Lets create a world designed by us the people of MaiOtaku. I start: No more military for any country!
A wordl where all the "L" ettersl in each word is awaysl sent to the back. https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/002/211/050/e8b.jpg
Dec 10, 21 at 6:15pm
Maybe a world with laws against monopolies that actually work with stricter laws on large corporations. Basicly something that would prevent small businesses from being crushed under larger impossible to compete with businesses. Might also be nice to see a justice system that doesn't revolve around money (fines/tickets), since as is that only hurts the poor while practically making the wealthy above the law. Public schools should probably also have classes on ethics and morality, as well as real world life skills to teach future generations things that they'll actually need to know in day to day life, things that no one tells them and they're forced to learn the hard way. Affordable housing, with restrictions on house flipping and the prevention of corporations from hoarding large amounts property for the purpose of price gouging. I know that's more than one thing, but the world has a lot of problems as it is.
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