2022 con suggestions?

Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
2022 con suggestions?
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
I'm trying to figure out what anime convention would be a good one to go to that is close to the state of Kansas and is 11 hours or less of a drive to get to and from there. I look on Google but it doesn't give legit feedback of what these cons are like. Just the basic site of said con. We need one that starts on July or August due to the availability of one friend. Any members here have personal experience with cons and exactly what they held that made it awesome? I don't want a con that only does Intel panels. It's hard to stay interested seated and just listening to someone talk about what they think.

Jacob @jacobl89
commented on
2022 con suggestions?
Jacob @jacobl89
I would suggest anime Iowa if you are ever up for a travel. It usually starts in July or August. With last year being the exception I usually go to that one.

toritori @toritori
commented on
2022 con suggestions?
toritori @toritori
I heard bitcoins scams are popular these days, that might be a good way of conning people.

Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
commented on
2022 con suggestions?
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
Thanks Tori, but this board isn't about bitcoins. I'm looking for suggested cons to go to. We're ok with going outside of Kansas Jake. We need to make sure the trip to the con is only a daytime's travel since one friend will only have a week allowed off. What kind of panels did the Iowa con have?

toritori @toritori
commented on
2022 con suggestions?
toritori @toritori
If I were to suggest any sort of con, it would be insurance fraud. Its a risky business but can have untold rewards for you and maybe even a buddy!

Jacob @jacobl89
commented on
2022 con suggestions?
Jacob @jacobl89
Anime Iowa has everything from photo shoots, to signings. They have of course some informational panels but they also have ones that are basically games like the great debate. They also have a pretty decent gaming room. They made changes during Covid this year and I did not attend due to that but if things are normal next year I will.

Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
commented on
2022 con suggestions?
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
So they even have panels that we can get involved in? I like those kind of panels. My friend enjoys collecting signatures from known people in the anime world. Is there any site that shows what the panels and famous guests will be next year?

Jacob @jacobl89
commented on
2022 con suggestions?
Jacob @jacobl89
Yea but I don't know if anything is decided yet for next year. https://animeiowa.com/

Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
commented on
2022 con suggestions?
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
Which one am I looking at? There are a lot of different links with different dates

Jacob @jacobl89
commented on
2022 con suggestions?
Jacob @jacobl89
Let me take a look..... I don't see through anything for 2022 yet. There's a section called the schedule is up That would have it if it was.
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