religious values test
Gabriel @gabriel_true
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religious values test
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I will say that on further reflection of this test's methods. I find it does reflect a heavier reliance on Judeo-Christianity.
Clearly the author of this methodology wasn't as knowledgeable about eastern beliefs. As I mentioned with the lack of Hinduism.
The other challenge that I noticed is how it correctly compares Roman Catholic to Eastern Orthodox, but it does not compare one's affinity to Jewish customs from Muslim. Jewish and Muslim faiths stem from the same origin however differ based on key events that would lead to a separation of tradition and values for their respective community.
Something else about the test I have criticism for is the implications of an individual being Pro Nazi if they don't share values with Judaism. Just because one isn't a Jew doesn't make them a Nazi.
Same with the use of Islamophobia for those not Muslim.
If the tester wanted a better reflection of people's views in earnest, they should have made less connections with unrelated subjects that could be viewed as antagonistic to the people taking the test.
As in because there is a Nazi flag I must answer Jewish lest I seem like I directly hate the community rather than simply not engage with their traditional values.
Atheism is also stilted because it doesn't reflect Agnostics.
One who chooses to give credence to the possibility of higher powers and importance of morals, but that do not subscribe to any currently named faiths.
Back on the topic of Hinduism, had the test maker compared Buddhist culture to that rather than the ambiguous "anti-buddhist" one could find a better understanding of what they truly valued in those beliefs.
That's my two cents anyway.
As I said, I see myself more in line with Coexistence rather than a black and white all or nothing mentality.
To fear understanding of another is to fear oneself.
Veru @verucassault
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religious values test
Veru @verucassault
There were a lot of misspelled words in this test which is why I didn't take it seriously. 8P
There are probably better and more religiously rounded quizzes out there. Taoism, for example, would have probably been the Weiner on mine had it been included.
rai shin @raishi
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religious values test
rai shin @raishi
Oh okay
rai shin @raishi
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religious values test
rai shin @raishi
I agree with u @gabriel_true
But this is just fun. And I think hinduism can be considered as pagan
Gabriel @gabriel_true
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religious values test
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I agree it is not a serious test, but I was using the intended idea of starting an objective conversation on the topic to explain frequently overlooked points of discussion.
That is that many forget that most of these different faiths come from a similar origin.
I would disagree with Hindu being pagan.
Paganism is reserved for niche beliefs with smaller influences such as Wiccan, Shintoism, or Scientology.
Because Buddhism is connected to Hinduism, to include one and not the other seems like an oversight.
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
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religious values test
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
Orthodox was expected.
I do have to say that the Jewish questions were more aligned with the ethno-nationalistic ideas of Judaism rather than the actual traditions themselves. Same thing with some Islamic questions, many of them were ethno-nationalistic questions rather than being questions about the religion itself. The Pagan questions were more aimed at modern Paganism rather than being Paganistic concepts of what is traditionally Pagan such as Celtic Paganism or Nordic Paganism.
I think that this quiz could benefit from more open ended questions going into the philosophies of the religions rather than saying "Is X heretical". Questions like, "Do you believe that living on Earth is not a desirable existence?" Yes would give points to Orthodoxy and Buddhism and no would give points to Protestant, Satanist, Pagan and Jewish.
Ghost @kuharido
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religious values test
Ghost @kuharido
I did like how most of the Satanic questions were just about if I thought satanists were bad people XD.
Laffantion @laffantion
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religious values test
Laffantion @laffantion
Damn i did not expect that.
Laffantion @laffantion
commented on
religious values test
Laffantion @laffantion
Am Catholic by the way not out of choice though. Current pope is a joke xD
Gabriel @gabriel_true
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religious values test
Gabriel @gabriel_true
A German with strong views of Semitism.
Tsk tsk tsk, so stereotypical, haha!
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