Moving to another State

qwertyzbra @qwertyzbra
Moving to another State
qwertyzbra @qwertyzbra
Has anyone moved to another State before? If so, can you give me advice on what I should do beforehand to make it easier?

Audio-senpai @audiosenpai
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Moving to another State
Audio-senpai @audiosenpai
Where ya headed?

Kronos @krimso
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Moving to another State
Kronos @krimso
This account has been suspended.

qwertyzbra @qwertyzbra
commented on
Moving to another State
qwertyzbra @qwertyzbra
I mean I don't really have friends where im at lol/ I meant more practical things like should I set up rent and a job beforehand? I dont have much stuff I can drive it all there in one trip. @audiosenpai Idk yet haven't decided but companies in AZ are making the vaccine mandatory and I'm not taking that shit.
That and I just don't really want to be here anymore anyways, hate it here.

☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
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Moving to another State
☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
There's a lot to take into a account such as proximity to your current location, support to get there, and familiarity to your destination before you go to name a few. As for me, it was a long-term goal of mine to move from Massachusetts to New Hampshire. I was finally able to to do that this year after almost a year of trying. It was relatively easy because New Hampshire and Massachusetts aren't very large states and are neighbors so except for the farthest reaches of each state, most of what is in New Hampshire and in Massachusetts are within driving distance. I moved to Portsmouth which is only about an hour and 15 minute drive from where I used to live. The proximity was a non-issue in this regard. However, I was new starting off in my new field of work in the Covid job-era job market which was exceedingly difficult. However, I lucked in by finding an entry level job in my field where my employer was impressed where I went to school and was sympathetic to my desire to move. I don't where you're from or where you plan to move to, but my advise would be to be above entry-level in your field of work and at least be familiar with the area you wish to move before-hand. If your field of work has a guild or association of some kind in that state, try to join up and network with people in that state whether the be employers or people who might be able to help you get there.

Lamby @momoichi
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Moving to another State
Lamby @momoichi
uuhhh i did when i was young, but from what i remember my mom doing, she scouted around the state for where she wanted to live, drove around, stayed at a few places ect before taking us all there. we rented a few houses at first for a year or two until we found a house we really liked and moved into that.
idk if youv already secured a job in that location or not, but that would be for the best probably, or have a nest egg that you can sit on while you look. i guess the most important step is having money saved no matter what, something that you could live on for at least a month maybe while you get settled in. good luck

qwertyzbra @qwertyzbra
commented on
Moving to another State
qwertyzbra @qwertyzbra
xD field of work lol I don't have a field of work, I have a "whatever entry-level, no degree, or training required" option or starve RIP - I have been doing shitty labor/service type jobs since I escaped homelessness after getting kicked out of art school cause I was sick and couldn't attend class. @momoichi i have a savings i'm just woried if I could sustain myself doing minimum wage work, which is all that is available to me.

qwertyzbra @qwertyzbra
commented on
Moving to another State
qwertyzbra @qwertyzbra
comparing costs of living between states is s B*^%(

☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
commented on
Moving to another State
☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
If you have no marketable skills then the best I got depends on how urgently you want to move. Until you develop some marketable skills, I'd say stay put. If not, the best I got is take the civil service exam and sign up to work for the post-office. Maybe you work locally for year and then maybe you'll be able to find a job elsewhere.

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Moving to another State
Lamby @momoichi
have you looked into the kind of jobs in that area and what they pay? if its a cheap place to live you should be fine
here's a chart thingy of the cheapest states to live in, hopefully this will help (from this maybe you can find the cheapest cities inside the states as well)
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